I've had ibs for 3 yrs now. Im 25. Since march Im feeling shortness of breath. My chest xray, abdomen mri is normal. Also since oct, heat has increased & I have started getting flareups and 1st half of oct have been having diarrhea which is now controlled. But since oct I've been dizzy, having weakness and lightheaded. My bp is also constantly low around 90/60. And more dizzy after I come back from loo after motions. Dr. told me to do heart 2D echo. Now Im scared. Have u had any similar problems of low bp and breath with ibs?
Low bp and shortmess of breath due to ibs? - IBS Network
Low bp and shortmess of breath due to ibs?
Hi, I have IBS and have all the things you have written in your post, I have shortness of breath and dizziness, unsteady on my feet, but I also have health anxiety so this is more than likely why I have had these sensations. Have you been diagnosed with Anxiety??. It unlikely that it is IBS causing this but I’m not a doctor so it might be. I wish I had a solution for you, maybe ask your doctor about possible anxiety , just wanted to say your not alone and take care
Have you been tested for BAM? It can certainly make you feel exhausted and short of breath as well as increase diarrhea.
The dizzyness, weakness and lightheadedness might have something to do with the food going through you too fast. I used to feel like this years ago when I was going to the loo a lot.