A delicate question, anyone notice that on the first trip to the loo in the morning they notice their stool is a bright yellow colour, it means a bad day with IBS ?
Colour of stool: A delicate question, anyone... - IBS Network
Colour of stool

I would look into Bile Salt Malabsorption if your primary symptom is diarrhoea. Yellow is a classic symptom and it’s hugely under diagnosed (I spent years diagnosed as IBS but now have drugs for BAM and it’s been life changing. Good luck.

Hi Can I ask what pills you are taking as I was bon colesevelam and they weren't making much difference so I stopped and it's generally been horrendous since.
I’m on same. Take 6 a day (all last thing at night) and maybe a couple during the day if I feel anything odd brewing - though I do try to avoid as it leaves me low before next prescription. It’s not a complete solution and have to watch diet (im also coeliac and any sign of gluten all hell breaks loose 🤣) but so so much better than before. How many and when did u take?
I agree with the previous post, however an Occupational HEalth Nures told me it is IBS. I'm now stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea as they informed my new job manager who says there are places on site where I would be working where ther are no toilets. and as I am escorting contractors that means I can't leave them
Best to discuss this with your GP and ask for BAM tests as the others are saying - this is assuming that you've previously been formally tested for IBS using a stool sample and blood tests. Any changes in symptoms should be discussed with your GP.
Sounds like bile acid malabsorption (bam) to me. Sometimes called bile salt malabsorption or bile acid diarrhoea. I was told I had IBS for years until it go so bad I refused to leave the doctors office without a referral. I had so much bile I was being sick in the night whilst sitting on the toilet for hours in the middle of the night. No fun when working full time too! I had a sehcat scan which diagnosed it. Also had a colonoscopy to check nothing else was happening but that was clear. I was prescribed cholestyramine which is a bile binder medication. Low fat diet, fodmap diet, finding out what you can and can’t eat or drink is a big thing. Keep a food diary for a while too. I can’t eat anything fatty, caffeine is also a trigger. Salad is evil. I’m ok with plain carbs like white bread, potatoes, rice etc. It’s finding what works.
Hi when my IBS was at it's worst my stools were the same as yours - mine was down to dehydration. As soon as I made sure my water intake was far more than it had been it sorted itself out. I also follow the low FODMAP plan & it works really well for my IBS.
Good luck with it all.