I always feel incomplete bowel after bowel,it lasts 2-3 hours, and fart (pass gas)can relieve this.If sometimes I get solid stool I feel much better,when the stool is soft and formless I will feel much worse.And when it’s like a knife cutting my anal.
Fart relieves incomplete bowel: I always feel... - IBS Network
Fart relieves incomplete bowel

A little mistake.When it’s diarrhea it’s like a knife cutting my anal.
I do feel incomplete bowel as well. I also doesn’t know why. Do u go for any test?
You can view my posts,I have done almost every anal examination,just can’t figure out what happened.It is supposed to be a complex IBS based on my inference
Also will fart relieve your bad feeling?
Yes it did at times, I’m trying to find out how to release gas as well
How long has it been
I had done my test in March which is colonoscopy and MRI and calprotectin and blood test and my feeling are exactly the same as youra
I checked your post,it looks like we get the same unknown disease very likely,you get have a hard fight.Cause I have been trapped for 2 years(maybe longer )
Usually I feel good after sleep, no feeling of incomplete bowel but after my pooping, I feel the incomplete bowel, I really don’t understand, it has to be after I release and it takes quite a while sometimes it’s gone but sometimes stay and yes it feel better after passing gas so I’m trying to find out what medicine to take to pass gas
I have checked many articles to find out what happened,but I can’t,I still get a inference—LAS(levator ani syndrome),but It’s a little difficult for me to do the pelvic examination.Hope that’s useful for you
Actually ur incomplete bowel feeling is also after a bowel movement right
Me too, that’s why I’m feeling very vexed, actually initially why I go for colonoscopy check is because in Feb, I poop with some blood so I went for colonoscopy check then they remove small polyps and my this incomplete bowel start from there. Sometimes I still poop with abit of blood and I doesn’t know what it is too
If you didn’t become thin in a short time then the blood is not a big problem
I suggest you to do a pelvic electromyogram,just tell the doctor LAS they know what to do.
What is this test for
To know is it LAS
Weird solution but it works with trapped gas, just get on all fours on your knees on the bed or floor or wherever then simply make sure your head is near the ground so your bum is at a higher level, that's it! Then wait. I had stomach pain when I was about 18 ish and felt something was trapped/pressure inside my stomach. So I just naturally adopted that position and amazingly after a while I felt one of those very gentle silent farts begin, and then I could feel the wind coming out constantly, very gently, no noise whatsoever for maybe two minutes? Maybe longer. After about the first minute and half I was doubting if anything was actually coming out, as I was sure I could feel the wind still coming out but having never experienced a fart that long in my life I was thinking I must be imagining it was still coming out, so I reluctantly, as I didn't want to stop it if it was coming out, tried slowly squeezing my anus tight, but as I did so, I could immediately tell the flow had stopped just for that second when I squeezed, so I released immediately and it continued for another long period. Eventually, I actually felt it end, and my bum lips go back together again. I got up instantly felt the pressure had gone from my stomach. About 30 years later when the Internet existed I came across this story of a patient who was in hospital and was due to have an operation the next morning because he had trapped gas in his stomach. I then read how he had of own volition got into exactly the same position as I had while he was in his hospital bed that night and had exactly the same experience as me, of a very prolonged gentle release of wind. Again he could not believe the immediate total cessation of the pain of all trapped wind he had been suffering. The doctors couldn't believe it either the next morning and obviously immediately cancelled the operation, and that position, i.e. on all fours head down bum up. is now a medically named position which people should always use to relieve trapped wind, obviously not all doctors are aware of it. I haven't read the story for a while so I can't remember if the name of the position was named after that patient, but you will easily be able to find that medically recommended position on the internet. Hope that helps 😁.
you might have what I have got "a hernia in the lower bowel " I think it`s called Inguinal or something like that" Sometimes the gas comes out with the motion and sometimes it doesn`t and I then have a few hrs of pain till I pass wind and the pain eases. It wasn`t quite bad enough to operate on but I recently had to take a double dose of antibiotics for an infection and I got bound up and straining must have pushed the hernia out a bit more. As soon as this coro virus is over or under control I`m gonna ask for surgery because it ruins my days till the gas passes.
What’s hernia in the lower bowel,and what’s your surgery mean?thanks for reply.
When part of the bowel pushes through the muscle lining that keeps everything in the right place, sometimes caused by heavy lifting work or constant constipation and if you push too hard it can push a small loop of the bowel out through the wall ( as in my case) I had a scan to identify what it was. It will need sorting but as long as I eat plenty of fruit and and prunes on my breakfast and take two sachets of what the doctor prescribed " CosmoCol" it is a powder that mixes with water and is flavoured like orange,lemon,lime flavour, quite pleasant to drink and what it does is to keep all the poo soft and flowing. I used to take a sachet before bed but since the latest antibiotic turn out I take one after lunch and one before bed. For general constipation you can take 3 sachets per day and for heavy faecal impaction you can take up to 8 a day. Without that powder I would need an operation right away and as soon as this coro virus is under control I`m gonna ask to get it fixed. Good Luck.