Has anybody found a gluten free diet helped
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Gluten free

I was diagnosed as having diverticulitis/IBS and was having the most awful chronic upset stomachs/diarrhoea that went on for months and months until I was so weak I could hardly walk. The gastroenterologist said I wasn't a celiac but I found that wheat wasn't suiting me at all so cut it out and was so much better. It is expensive to buy gluten free bread etc. but it was worth it not to be so ill. It may not work for everyone but it does seem to work for me. It's certainly worth a try if you are having problems.
I am going to give it a try, I have been having upset stomachs with Diarrhoea for months and it is really getting me down, seeing the gastroenterologist in July so going to give it a go before then. I also have diverticulitis. Try anything to get a bit of relief.
I also started eating Yeo Valley Plain Yogurt every day plus some Yakult to try and calm my stomach down. I also took Acidophilus which people recommended. Together all these things seemed to help. I had a CT Scan and also a sigmoidoscopy but they didn't show up anything except diverticulitis. I just kept trying things until my stomach calmed down. I was so ill and lost so much weight it was unbelievable but gradually recovered. I was very careful with my diet and just ate plain chicken, mashed potatoes/baked potatoes, salmon, eggs, an occasional banana toast and honey. It was a pretty severe diet but I didn't feel like much else to be honest. I didn't eat anything that was likely to upset my stomach. After a very long time I gradually started to introduce vegetables etc. and got back to eating a normal diet again but still have to be careful not to have too many vegetables and things that are likely to cause upset stomachs. Good luck and hope you get some relief before too long. I know how debilitating it can be.
Thank you, it is really getting down it seem as if that is all I think about x
I really can understand how you are feeling, I felt just the same and was just so ill with it all. My husband had to look after me and feed me and I spent weeks and weeks in bed feeling so so ill. It was really awful so I do sympathise with you.
I changed all dairy stuff to lacto free and had immediate success. I also take ginger in capsule form every day along with a strong probiotic, it all works well.
Take care 😀 👍

Thank you x

Hiya I have also cut out dairy. I have seen a difference that I am not getting immediate stomach ache after I put my knife and fork down. I am still eating some amount of gluten but for the most part I’m eating gluten free. I am still needing to go to the toilet quite a lot in the morning as this is my worst time. I don’t take any vitamins. Should I try ginger do you think?
You can't lose anything by trying ginger, it works well for me.
Do you drink coffee in the morning?

I tend not to drink anything really in the morning just a sip of water. I feel like my stomach most sensitive at this time. I don’t drink tea or coffee. Thanks for that advice I have never heard of ginger capsules I will deffo try these.
I would ask GP for a celiac test first then maybe ask about the low fodmap diet? It has a success rate of 70%
Helped me loads, I only eat gluten free products (bread, biscuits, frozen chips etc), as someone else mentioned, the products are expensive.
Good morning, yes I have a completely gf diet and it helps enormously. If I accidentally consume gluten though I find my whole digestive system comes to a stand still and I cramp and hurt loads. I then take fibre gel and buscopan and try to relax. If I keep eating my system starts working again eventually, although it can be days of pain and no movement!
I also find cutting out dairy helps.
Good luck 😊👍🏻
I don't do well on gluten, I think even oats cause problems for me. Don't do well with milk or sugars in any form, natural as in fruit, or from kitchen cupboard.
Hi I also lost a lot of weight & felt so ill. I've found the FODMAP diet plus lactose free & wheat free foods has really helped. I've suffered with IBS for many years but hadn't had any symptoms of it since 2007 then 14 weeks ago I started having flare up after flare up. since changing to above diet all has settled down. Doctors diagnosed anxiety that has caused the initial flare up. Good luck with it all xxx
Hey there. I haven’t had a coeliacs test, but I gave up wheat some years ago and it helped me loads. I don’t do so well with oats either. I can’t say I’m gluten free completely but avoiding wheat and wheat products (even wheat starch etc) at all costs, has really helped! X
deffo, and am surprised at how much food does not contain gluten!