Hi, I have bowel problems and had for a while been on Mebeverine which is sustaining me but still need normal. I was using Omeprazole, one in morning and one b4 bed. After the night dose I was waking up around 3-4 am which hoarse throat, couldn’t breathe probably and my breathing felt terrible. I didn’t call 999 as thought it wasn’t bad enough. After I stopped using omeprazole those flare up stopped. But maybe I should have done called 999, it’s left my throat and swallowing in a weird place and not normal, any ideas what to do? My docs are not being helpful just saying stress. I know my body, once I stopped using the omeprazole it was not happening but I’m scared I’ve had a bad reaction and didn’t think it was bad enough to call but honestly my breathing and throat is not the same!
Any help would be great or pointers what I could do!
Best Matt