I have had a fluey virus since the 10th of December. The flu symptoms went away after about 11 days, but during that time I’ve been feeling nauseous and have had diarrhoea. I also had such an acidic stomach I lost my appetite. I got an emergency appointment at my GP on Friday 20th. I was acutely anxious as I also have Health Anxiety, Generalised Anxiety Disorder and OCD. I was in a terrible state and the GP I saw was very kind. She gave me a higher dose of the diazepam I take, patoprazole and petpac also as she felt i had developed quite severe gastritis. I hadn’t drunk anything for nearly 48 hours and hasn’t eaten for about 4 days. I managed to start eating a little with the meds the GP gave me, but the diarrhoea started again on Christmas Eve and I was running to the loo with terrible pains on Christmas Day and I collapsed for a few moments, so I took Imodium. I gave up on Boxing Day and didn’t get up at all, barely drank and refused to eat. By last Friday, I had to get another emergency appointment and this GP wasn’t so sympathetic. She didn’t seem that bothered about the diarrhoea and how long it’s been going on for. The previous GP had asked me to hand in a stool sample, so there was no bacteria or c-diff in it. So this GP said I would have to stop taking Imodium as it was inhibiting my body getting rid of the virus. She also stopped my gastritis meds as she said they could be contributing to my diarrhoea.
I explained to her about my mental health problems and that I’m at breaking point. I also told her that I’ve had IBS in many forms since I was 12 years old (I’m 45 now) and this just was unlike anything I’ve ever had before. She just looked at me and said we could discuss that another time if this didn’t settle down. I asked her how long I should wait and she said she wasn’t sure! And this is a GP who has been at my practice for 20 years! She took bloods to check my kidney function,
So I’m trying to be brave and I’m eating natural Greek yogurt, gluten free bread and plain cooked chicken. I had a day’s break from diarrhoea yesterday, but it’s back today. I feel so weak, I have no appetite and now I can’t stop crying. I have left the house once in the last 21 days. I’ve also lost a great deal of weight in that time.
I am intolerant to wheat, bananas, onions and garlic. I also have gallstones, so I’m careful with saturated fats (they were discovered about 9 years ago - 3 little stones but a healthy gallbladder). During that time I was very unwell and became so underweight that I was threatened with hospital.
Help. Xx