Hi guys, I am trying CBD capsules again to see if they help with any pain or discomfort and so far i can say they are working a treat. Since IBS i have become far more mindful and aware of myself. Yoga and these supplements seem to be working a treat for me so far. If you have any questions or any other ideas on natural remedies please comment below or feel free to message me
Natural Healing: Hi guys, I am trying CBD... - IBS Network
Natural Healing

Could I ask where you get your CBD capsules from? - I fancy giving them a go to control my anxiety which I'm convinced (as is my Doc) is major cause of my IBS. TIA

Holland and Barret, they have a fantastic range with some on offer at the minute
Top man. Many thanks.
Hi there, did the capsules work for you , where did you get them from and we’re they expensive, I’ve read that they can help but scared to take them.
They are working wonders, they are on offer quite a lot of the time but can get pricey, usually they are £32 for 60 days but they should still be half price from Holland and Barret
Hi, I tried these exact ones a couple of weeks ago and they made me constipated, I only had one but it took me a couple of days to get back to normal (if you can call it that, normal for me perhaps I should say). I have since bought the oil to see if that will be better, but just one drop still had the same effect but perhaps not as bad as the capsules. It's really odd. I might try putting the oil in a drink and see what that does.