Just to let all the kind compassionate people who sent such lovely supportive messages....I have not got cancer....wow what a relief 😅.....such a weight has lifted😁 having some scans to test for BAM bile acid malabsorption in April. Sadly gastroenterologist was not too human and very dismissive and put my pain down to anxiety and depression. We are not convinced and will seek a 2nd opinion when I’ve had these scans. A professor with no people skills, rubbished any possibility of food allergy’s or other reasons for pain and said my constant pain had no solution other than CBT. Refused any pain relief and made it clear he was not happy I had contacted PALS because I was so worried if anyone was looking after me, after not seeing anyone in over a year, despite 2 cancer pathways tests. An old dinosaur that needs to leave the NHS and allow younger professionals do thorough research on their patients.
Anyway I am super happy I don’t have cancer 🥳🥳🥳🥳 I will seek a 2nd opinion once I get these scans done. He offered nothing, but when I asked home to consider my research he agreed to get the tests. Horrible experience, but I just want to say it’s important we speak up and ask. Maybe it’s not BAM, but left to him I would be written off to live with pain forevermore, no further research, it is in my head!.
I’m SO glad I took a friend to witness and support. Her instant reaction was I was to get a 2nd opinion and thankfully that helped me not feel bad about today. Just an old bitter Doctor that ought to retire... absolutely fabulous I don’t have the angst of possible cancer, so I’m going to let that sink in....and enjoy the rest of the week.
Thank you everyone for your kind words and support, it SO helped ❤️❤️❤️