Bowel Cancer diagnosis: Hi Everyone, I have... - IBS Network

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Bowel Cancer diagnosis

RayDudley profile image
40 Replies

Hi Everyone,

I have just had my gastroscopy and colonoscopy today and been told I have bowel cancer. I am lost for words and don't know where to start. I will have CT and MRI scans in the next 2 weeks to determine progression and treatment options (if any)

I have had abdominal pain and rectal bleeding for a good few months and the doctor was continually insistent it may have been internal hemorrhoids and other gas problems and gave me repeated prescriptions for same meds that was not working. Only recently was I referred to a specialist and have had to wait 7 weeks for the procedure today.


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RayDudley profile image
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40 Replies

Sorry to hear this, I am sure you are in shock. I hope you will be looked after and you will get good care from your doctors and other people.

Good luck to you Ray.

RayDudley profile image
RayDudley in reply to

Thank you

in reply to RayDudley

Are there any forums on here that you could use?

RayDudley profile image
RayDudley in reply to

I am not sure. I will have a look around

in reply to RayDudley

There you go Ray.

RayDudley profile image
RayDudley in reply to

Thanks Jim - Much appreciated

in reply to RayDudley

You are welcome Ray.

Tazmum profile image
Tazmum in reply to

Hi ray

bantam12 profile image

My mum had bowel cancer, she had surgery and ended up with a colostomy bag but she lived to the rip old age of 92 which was 30+ years post op. I hope you are given a plan of action very soon, keep pushing if things are moving to slowly. Good luck.

RayDudley profile image
RayDudley in reply to bantam12

Thank you so much for your kind words and giving me a sense of optimism

bantam12 profile image

Your welcome, it's difficult right now for you but think positive, each day is one day nearer to overcoming this hiccup.

Take care.

locomo profile image

I can imagine what a shock it must be. Wishing you all the best and speedy return t full health... take care, hope you get all the support you need xx

RayDudley profile image
RayDudley in reply to locomo

Thank you. Just hoping I have a health to get back to depending on what stage it is.

ninchar profile image

So sorry to hear your news I will say a little prayer for you. Good luck .

RayDudley profile image

Thank you so much non char 😊

Tibblington profile image

I am so sorry to hear your news and wish you well with the treatment recommended. A friend had the same problem some ten years ago which was fixed with an operation so look on the brighter side.

I do worry about some of these G.Ps who seem to lack diagnostic skills. I try to use a homeopathic doctor (not homeopath) who gives more time when required and has been taught to think.

Best wishes, Tibbly

Hi sorry to hear this but keep your chin up.

It's one thing ive been checked for as two of my uncles had bowel tumours one when they eventually took him to hospital was size of a football but it was really too late by then for him other has two removed and he's still going along.

hope you have a very "Stern" word with your Quack your not the first to have had that happen was a case in the news while back with a woman that had that.

There are health watches like Voice ability you can contact if GP's are "lax"

RayDudley profile image
RayDudley in reply to

Thank you Oscar. I am keeping positive and hoping for the best.

kipper1958 profile image

I wish you a speedy recovery.

RayDudley profile image
RayDudley in reply to kipper1958

Thank you

kipper1958 profile image

I wish you a speedy recovery,try and think positive,it really does help.

Kweh123 profile image

I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I wish you all the best for your future treatments and I hope that you make a speedy recovery and return to good health very soon. Try to take it one day at a time as I'm sure you're feeling very overwhelmed at the moment xx

RayDudley profile image
RayDudley in reply to Kweh123

Thank you so much.

senga11 profile image

Disgrace you had to wait so long to see a specialist. Hope you get on ok with your scans

RayDudley profile image
RayDudley in reply to senga11

Thanks - Fingers crossed the scans provide better piece of news. I should have an appointment in the next 2 weeks.

RayDudley profile image

Thanks Senga - Can only hope for the best.

Hi Ray,

While you have that horrible wait for the scans, you could go and see a Reiki Master near to you. Balancing energies in your body may do you a lot of good - and it's also very relaxing, which I imagine would be helpful too after such a shock.

You may also find a meditation app like a great help too. It can help to calm your mind and relax, and will be very useful during any treatment.

Do lets us know how you are getting on and reach out for support, Ray.


RayDudley profile image
RayDudley in reply to

Thank you so much Alison. Looks I have a Reiki Master nearby and will also try download the app that you have recommended.

Angie169 profile image

Hi Ray I am sorry to hear of your plight but rest assured they can do great thing now. A friend was diagnosedwith bowel cancer and only given a 35% survival rate. That was 8 years ago and he is doing well now ( just back of a 2 month cruise! ) at the start he was very ill and the treatment made him lose his hair and about half his weight but now he is firing on all cylinders.

There is light at the end of the tunnel you just have to be willing to look hard for it.

RayDudley profile image
RayDudley in reply to Angie169

Thank you so much Angie - These are the sort of stories that make me have a positive outlook on things.

CharlieMo profile image

That's truly dreadful. After so much incompetence you ought to be seen immediately. I'm surprised because usually a cancer diagnosis means everything happens very fast. Can you see a different (better?) GP at your practice and ask for an emerge appointment? Or call the appointments line on the letter and ask for a cancellation slot? I'm truly sorry - you must be devastated- and I hope you can get seen asap.

RayDudley profile image
RayDudley in reply to CharlieMo

Thanks Charlie. It's been very frustrating and am truly on the verge of giving up. After colonoscopy this Monday gone they say I must receive a letter within 2 weeks with a date for CT and MRI scans which should fall in the 2-3 week window.

CharlieMo profile image
CharlieMo in reply to RayDudley

Don't give up. There must be specific bowel cancer support groups who can offer more targeted help and advice. I really hope things turn out not to be as bad as they must seem right now.

runswithdogs profile image

I'm so sorry to hear this. Wishing you a very speedy recovery.

richv profile image

So sorry to hear this. God bless and hope you recover.

annel73 profile image

Oh i am so so sorry to hear this, i pray they have caught it in time and treatment will be painless as possible and successful. praying for a speedy

Tazmum profile image

Hi ray sorry to hear this I'm sure

You will be in shock

I had same problem I went to my doc for two years continuasly and was told I had iIBS

Until I told them that my sis died of Bowel cancer because they didn't diagnose her

So eventually got sent for colonoscopy

And sure enough I had bowel cancer

I had radiotherapy and chemotherapy

For 6weeks and two months later had the operation

I've been left with a stoma which can't be reversed

But to cut a long story short

The surgeons r brilliant

And I never thought I'd get used to my stoma but I have

It's only been 3 months since my surgery which lasted 12 hrs

Only because they gave me full historectmy just to be safe

But I'm doing great

I can still do ev that I used to

So il pray that everything goes well for you and good luck

RayDudley profile image

Thanks Tazmum. I have completed treatment with 80% response rate and due for surgery next wednesday (13 Sept). I am told I will have a temporary bag for some few weeks before reversal but of course all can change depending on surgery I guess. Glad to hear your persistence paid off and treatment and surgery went well. Here is wishing you a speedy recovery and many many cancer free years. :)

Katie55 profile image

My husband is where you were a year ago and is going for an exploratory operation on Thursday morning Not knowing what is going on is awaful The surgeon says it looks like cancer from the scan and cannot say more till He has had a look and done a biopsy So lets hope its treatable How are you going on now ?

RayDudley profile image
RayDudley in reply to Katie55

Hi there Katie,

It's been a journey and still on it. After diagnosis i was staged at 2 meaning no spread to lymph nodes or other organs. I had pre-op treatment to shrink the tumour and had surgery in September with a temporary stoma. I am now on post op chemo just as precaution and to mop up any lingering cells. I hope to have stoma reversal towards end of year and hopefully back to normal again. However I must say acceptance, positive attitude and eating healthy seen me to where I am today and in much happier place.

I hope all goes well with your husband, hope it isn't cancer but again if it is it's not a death sentence and can be successfully treated. There are many medical advances happening right now and survival rates for bowel cancer are on the up.

Take care and please reach out if you have any questions.

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