Hepatic flexture syndrome: Hi everyone . Hope... - IBS Network

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Hepatic flexture syndrome

bornagain47 profile image
17 Replies

Hi everyone . Hope you are all having a reasonably good day . Wondering if anyone suffers from hepatic flexture syndrome , and what symptoms you have . God bless .

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bornagain47 profile image
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17 Replies
Pjik profile image

Hi I have never heard of it what is it

bornagain47 profile image
bornagain47 in reply to Pjik

Hi Phil , it is a sub type of ibs , which causes constipation and pain under ribs on the right side . It is where ascending colon joins transverse colon , in other words where colon bends on right side . Thanks for replying , hope this helps explain .

Pjik profile image
Pjik in reply to bornagain47

Ty for the info I appreciate it hope u r feeling better

bornagain47 profile image
bornagain47 in reply to Pjik

Thank you .

Supershelle profile image

Hi it's been suggested that I May have but no treatment suggested. Symptoms are a feeling of a ball trapped under my right ribs... all scans clear

bornagain47 profile image
bornagain47 in reply to Supershelle

Hi Supershelle . Thank you for your reply . I believe there isn't any treatment apart from less fibre intake to stop gas build up . Was wondering if you have tenderness around bottom of rib as well . My bottom ribs are tender to touch can be very painful sometimes .

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply to bornagain47

Hi, I get pain all over the place, but I do find that it moves from side to side each day, so on one day it will be on the left hand side and the next on the right hand side! When it is on the right side it can be under my ribs and lower down like you say, also sometimes giving me hip pain and groin pain. Maureen.

bornagain47 profile image
bornagain47 in reply to Maureen1958

Hi Maureen . Thanks for your reply . It helps to know someone else has similar symptoms . I to can get hip pain . I am beginning to realise though my anxiety doesn't help . I need to stop worrying so much . And eat less insoluble fiber to prevent so much gas build up . Thanks again for your help . Much appreciated .

WoolPippi profile image

yes! I have it. Strangely enough: no pain. But I do wake up every night after 4,5 hours of sleep, with a gasp, body sweating, clearly stressed. This is caused by an air bubble getting stuck in the hepatic flexure and food getting stuck behind it and the rising colon swelling up.

I have had this every night since childhood. After waking up I then lay awake for 1,5 hours. This has wrecked my health and I now suffer from Adrenal Insufficiency because of it.

I have found solutions:

Firstly I've had a virtual colonoscopie/ CT scan showing exactly how my intestines curl. You may see it at flickr.com/photos/snorrepot...

You see at the hepatic flexure the tube reverses unto itself. It didn't even empty after I took all that aggressive laxative. (Note that at the start of the ascending colon there's also a lot of twists.)

Secondly I have stopped ingesting "air" meaning: no fibres, no lactose, FODMAP, not swallowing air, trying to burp and fart as much as possible.

Thirdly aiding the intestinal motility. It is governed by the hormones Dopamine (slows down motility) and Serotonine (speeds it up). I take the precurser to Serotonine which is 5-htp.

Fourthly massage the belly and try and move air and matter along. I lie on my back and massage hard. I flop on my left because I figured air rises to the surface. Then I flop on my stomach. Any gurgling and farting is welcomed like a victory.

Lastly and most drastically... I stopped eating. Because my intestines are very bendy; my motility does not work very well (too high levels of Dopamine); air gets trapped; this nightly wakings plus resulting health issues I have gone to the extreme: I've stopped eating. Without bulk nothing can get stuck behind an air bubble in my bendy tubes.

This is called "Low Residue Diet" and basically I eat just morsels of food and they are very nutritious. Egg yoke, gelatine, whipped cream, chocolate cake, creme fraiche, body builder proteins, home made bone broth. That's about it. Supplementing vitamins and minerals. Having regular blood panels done to monitor various levels of vitamins and minerals.

I now sleep for a solid 6 hours each night and it is glorious.

bornagain47 profile image
bornagain47 in reply to WoolPippi

Hi Woolpippi . Thank you for your most helpful reply . My goodness your colon is very shall we say curly and unusual . I am surprised you don't get any pain though . I am pleased to hear you are managing to get a bit of relief and sleeping better . I get wakened with the gas build up around 5 am every morning . Sometimes my heart is racing but I think it's my anxiety , can be scary . Thanks for the scan pics and tips on food. Going to cut back on fibre intake eat more soluble fibre , some.say it helps . Hope you continue to sleep well .God bless .

dedeottie profile image

I have it on the opposite side. It is called splenic flexure syndrome on the left side but it is exactly the same problem. It drives me nuts! Varies from mildly irritating to quite painful and can last days or months. It can just disappear then come back for no obvious reason. Have had all the usual investigatio s and all came back clear except for diverticulosis annd I dont know if that has any bearing on the splenic flexure pain or not. Good luck and let me know if you find anything that works for you. X

bornagain47 profile image
bornagain47 in reply to dedeottie

Hi Dedeottie . Thank you for replying . It is reassuring to know others have similar problems . Although it's not good that people suffer with ibs, some folks are really debilitated by it . I am going to cut back on insoluble fibre as I have been told it helps . And try not to become anxious about it . Will let you know how I get on . Take care . God bless

stevon00790 profile image

Hi i am also in the same situation the condition that bad gas or wind gets trap in your hepatic flexure side of the colon . So iam taking one stimulant laxative Bisacodyl and Milk of Magnesia for the constipation problems i saw that the gas gets easier when you put something hot on it like boiliing water in a bottle or something it starts to cramp and ease a little bit , alot of people don't like to cramp and for me is total opposite i want to cramp so much because it eases the pain and bloating on that side i also have sleeping problems I sleep on the left side all of you try because to work with the gravity to help the colon move things i also have bendy colon shown on my colonoscopy and CT scan i also take simethicone gels and pepermint tea along with fennel and caraway and all in all that manages almost my current situation , i have so bad IBS C that newer drugs even stopped working my doctor wanted me to have surgery but i am doing well with this therapy also try to be active and exercise a couple of times a week it eases anxiety and deppresiion because i didn't want to be on anti deppresants or anti psyhotics so i chosed to do it with alot of physical exercise also i am eating low fiber diet easy to digest drinking no lactose milk , white rice , all starches pudding , gelatin , cornstarch , honey ( yes i tolerate it in small amounts instead of sugar ) ,eggs i mean alot of eggs , avocado , olive oil , nuts and seed butters , chocolate spreads without too much milk , smoothies sometimes i usually don't eat meat , potatoes . I know its very hard , appreciacion for everyone and wish you better management .

bornagain47 profile image
bornagain47 in reply to stevon00790

Hi Stevon . Thank you for your reply . Pleased to hear you have found a therapy that works for you . It must be pretty bad for you when you have been offered surgery to correct the bend in colon. I do believe anxiety has a lot to do with my problem , I am going to try low fibre diet . Thanks again for your help . Keep well .take care .God bless .

Supershelle profile image

Yes my ribs are tender to touch and it feels like something is trying to poke through my ribs. I get a tight feeling and sometimes I just can't walk or stand for long. Thought it was my liver for ages but tests clear. Also had treatment for muscular problems in that area but nothing helped and that's why dr now thinks it's the colon.

bornagain47 profile image
bornagain47 in reply to Supershelle

Hi Supershelle . Pleased to hear liver tests were fine . You seem to have it a bit worse than I do , last couple of days I have cut back on my fibre intake , also doing breathing exercises for anxiety must say it has helped . Praise God . I pray you will be able to find some relief as well . Thank you for your reply . Take care . May God bless you .

Ness28 profile image

I think I do, for years I have this intermittent pain, which sometimes last for days in my upper right quadrant, near the hepatic flexure, I have had lots of tests, scans etc, and have been diagnosed with sensitivity, and prescribed antidepressants which I haven’t used yet but feeling desperate atm with my latest round of pain!How about you?

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