I have suffered from Ibs for 28 years{from the age of 30) after a severe bout of food poisoning.It has been the diarrhoea/loose bowels version.Over the years, I have eliminated food from my diet at times,and have been unable to work out the triggers on the whole. Been on diareze off and on until it caused rebound diarrhea, tried Mebeverine off and on with no effect,so on and so on( think lots will understand the trying everything bit).In the last 2 years it has gradually got much worse, to the point where if I was going out early I would skip breakfast(and still gave 5 or more visits to toilet) and if I was going out in the evening to avoid cramping and diarrhoea etc I would skip tea. This was clearly badly affecting my lifestyle. About 6 weeks ago I started a food diary, and linked in symptoms, and found every meal a certain time before(approx 8 hours in my case) contained wheat. I went cold turkey and eliminated wheat and 5 weeks on have almost eliminated all my symptoms, and am mainly having normal bowel movements for the first time in years.Its not completely curative, as the stress need the toilet now element will take a while to sort totally, but I just feel so so much better. I do urge anyone who has had IBS a long time to consider food intolerances as a possible trigger.There is a link to long term IBS and non coeliac wheat intolerance,and after so many years of horrible symptoms( I know all the toilet stops on route to everywhere I have ever been, and everywhere I have ever lived and all the possible bushes!!}...it really has been a life changer for me.Hope this of some help to someone!
Better at last: I have suffered from Ibs for 2... - IBS Network
Better at last

Hi, this reflects my experience. I am also wheat intolerant and find that avoiding wheat gives me some control. But like you, I don't have breakfast before going out in the morning. it is quite surprising where wheat pops up though, so does take a bit of time and patience. I cook from scratch mostly.
So pleased that you have found your food intolerance, Jonald. And getting some relief
Thanks I feel I may need to talk to my doctor before using food elimination as I only have one kidney Gail
I suffer with ibs and loss of control I take 1 immodium tablet every other day this seems to help me.
Great summary, been tested for the most food tolerance issues and they all came back negative but i think the food diary is very beneficial. However i do think as we get older your food tolerance changes so its an every changing battle.
wonderful! congratulations! How smart and persistent of you to figure bit out. Well done!
Thank you very much for sharing, we are all looking for solutions and reading how you found yours encourages the rest of us to keep looking.
Now enjoy, enjoy!
And roll your eyes at all the foods that contain wheat that you'd never expected to. And all the foods that contain such minute amounts that they do not have to list it... I hope you're not insanely sensitive to it, just a bit bizarrely sensitive.