Just wondering people who IBS -D, how often are you experiencing diarreah, I'm freaking out as I'm currently having a really bad day! It started off absolutely fine, have had a happy morning at home, then this afternoon WHAM BHAM, the dreaded diarreah has crept in from absolutely no where! Now my anxiety is out of the roof and I can't seem to get grip of myself!! I know this doesn't help but I really don't understand why it's kicked in! So I'm hoping people who suffer similar can tell me how often you get diarreaH!?? Xx
How often is ok to have diarrhoea : Just... - IBS Network
How often is ok to have diarrhoea

Hi Flik22. I suffer with IBS-D. Before I realised I did (& followed a low FODMAP diet) I was experiencing D about once every 7 to 10 days, roughly. I’ve been following a low FODMAP diet and have cut gluten and dairy completely out of my diet for the last year and have had D every few months by comparison. Sometimes, however, I think our bodies just kick out. For example I hadn’t eaten anything ‘unsafe’ the week before last and had two episodes of D on two consecutive days, but with a normal bowel movement in-between them(?!) I’m at a complete loss as to why. I sympathise - it’s a very disconcerting condition to suffer with. Take it easy for the next week and be kind to yourself. You’re certainly not alone
Thank you for your reply! It's nice to know we're not alone although It sure feels like it! I'm in the process of trying to find safe foods! I now know to eliminate pineapple!! I already have been dairy free for over a year as I know milk and cream are my triggers! Also pork!! It's such a battle, I hate it! Wonder where it comes from as I'm now 40 and only the past 3 years or so have I been suffering! I maybe need to actually do the low fodmap again, when I tried it a year ago I suffered eating any of the gluten free foods!! So I gave up! I'm going to live off bananas rice and toast after yesterday!!
Thanks again, I really appreciate your advice. Xx
Please try to be calm. I know 100% that stress makes it worse. In the past i had to be put on anti anxiety tablets i got in such a state. The Diarrhea went on for months on and off. When i a calmed down it sorted its self out. What starts with a tummy bug or reaction to food or food poisoning. Carried on and on because i got sooooo stressed out and was walking around in a state of high anxiety. I hope this reassures you. Get something from.the chemist to help with the physical side. Then try to relax. Good luck.😊
Hey, awww thank you for your response, I am already on anti depressants, have been for 18months! I was actually hoping to come off them, but maybe nows not the best time!! I know stress doesn't help, but then I find I'm fine, I get diarreaH and then my stress levels go out the roof! I'm awaiting to start CBT in the hope to control my thoughts when I'm ill which will hopefully help!?? Thanks again 😘
Hi Flik22. I have a mixture of IBS-D and IBS-C. When the diarreah strikes it just happens out of nowhere and I find this extremely stressful, just like you. It makes me afraid to leave the house in case I have an accident. It seems to strike every few months and I can never pinpoint what has set it off. Over recent weeks though it seems to have been happening first thing in the morning. I take loperamide every so often if I am going somewhere special and this seems to help slow things down. I also have been on anti-depressants for about 18 months and am waiting for CBT. I have been waiting over a year for this on the NHS. If you get your CBT before me I would be interested to hear how you get on. I do sympathise with all you are going through, but you are not alone.
Hello, thank you, it's great to hear from other people going through the same, I too am sorry you are experiencing this too! I've actually got a little bit of private healthcare at work so I am using that to get me started sooner! My first apt is tomorrow, of course I will let you know how I get on! Now, talking of accidents, I actually did have one at home yesterday, sorry if tmi, but I thought I needed to trump and when I did got a warm sensation😭😭, thank god I was at home, but I am seriously mortified with myself and feel so disgusting/shameful, have any of you suffered like this? I'm worrying I am loosing control as his has happened a couple of times before over the past year or so!? Usually I think if I have eaten something that really doesn't agree with me! Xx
Never feel disgusted with yourself, accidents can happen, its part and parcel of ibs, I suffer primarily from ibs-c but occasionally can have diarrhoea out of the blue and many times have barely made it through the front door let alone got to the loo, its upsetting I know but don't let it upset you too much
Hi Flik22
I have suffered from anxiety my entire life. I take no medication, no anti depressants. I have every opportunity to take medicine if I wanted but I refuse. I believe that adrenaline, hormones and lifestyle are all key factors. I have my bad day here and there, have had the I’m eating dinner and out of the blue I feel the very urgent need to get to the toilet, stand up and can’t get from the table to the bathroom in time. It’s like I have no muscles to tighten in my stomach or something? This is not often but since it does happen on occasion I fear going out to eat! I have found that even though I am going thru menopause and have not had monthly’s in four years it is still about every three to for weeks. My doctor says there is no known relationship between the two. I’m a true believer that there is! Anxiety is a true gut cruncher and until you can cope and overcome that there will always be stomach problems. Anxiety relief first, IBS can and will subside when you can get that inner relief. I hope you are feeling better!
I am totally on your page....My story is traceable and I know it how it all went down and why.
Mine kicked off after some extremely stressful family issues and then having campaloybactra from food poisoning followed by what looks like IBS but is truly from my opinion "a stripped digestive system and now I am on a total real build....ITs a slow process but its working if I stay tuned in.
I have a sense that every three -four week thing is hormone related as I am seeing that as I am coming back around after about 4 months of (WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!?!?)
I have found that taking a supplement that has bovine colostrum in it does the trick for better regulation. Popcorn is totally out! LOL...What was I thinking...
Thank you for your post its encouraging to see we are not alone...
That was my problem too! All thru high school. A week before, a week after and since it’s only 28 days it was more often than not. I wouldnt get the cramps or heavy flow but I got all of the emotional crap and the diarrhea and nasty headaches. I always told my friends I would rather have the other two! I know that men get IBS too but it is usually brought on by stress or anxiety. For me it got so bad it turned into panic attacks and agoraphobia, I was becoming one of those that never left home. I changed all that, eat what I want when I want, no meds, I refuse to let myself care ( or think they care) about it, I go places, I use calming techniques and by gosh I live! I will not let it control me and for almost a year now I am content, happy, and can say I am what I am, It could be worse, there are many people worse off than me and if a stomach ache and diarrhea are all I have to worry about wow am I lucky!!!
Hi! I too believe hormones have a lot to do with my IBS!! Ovulation pre period and during period! Ha pretty much all month round though!! I also wonder if it's linked to having children!?? My issues started 3 years or so ago, when I had my 2nd child! But that does tie up with when anxiety started as lots of issues arose after that! But I do wonder if maybe some muscles down there are not quite what they used to be and so making me have accidents! Strong urge feelings!?? Who knows!! I am starting counselling tomorrow in the hope I can find the cause of my anxiety!!? Whether it helps or not time will tell I suppose! Xx
I had counseling last year and it was my saving grace!!!! I highly recommend. I was so against telling a stranger my problems, I always thought “how can he fix something if I can’t? In the end it’s me, he can’t get in my head and change me). What he DID do was help me to ease the anxiety thru soothing, calming talk and how to retrain my brain so I don’t start right out waking up negative thus forming the chain of events that follow. Negative is not an option no matter the circumstance. Btw, when I had my second child he was frank breach (butt first), they did an episiotomy so as not to tear. I spoke to my doctor and she stated that it is a fact that women who have an episiotomy are 60 percent more likely to have problems with urgent bathroom needs and not making it! She said during an episiotomy when they make the incision it cuts nerves and muscle too. I KNEW IT FELT LIKE I HAD NO MUSCLES TO TIGHTEN AND HOLD!!!!! 60 percent is a huge number!!
Hey, that's great to know! I feel quite silly imagining going in tomorrow and telling a stranger that my mind is constantly worrying re my bowel habits!! But he's probably heard it all before and will hopefully know how to get me to think of other things, as you say before my eyes are even open in the morning I'm thinking about it! Hate it!! I tore really badly with both my boys, 3rd degree tears, and I'm convinced everything has gone wrong since then!! I wonder if we can strengthen the muscles!?? Xx
I have alternating constipation and diarrhea. For the past few months I seem to have been experiencing diarrhea every other week (and sometimes once a week). And when I get it, it lasts 1-2 days. It also does seem to happen out of nowhere!! I have to eat rice and oatmeal just to calm my gut down I'm still trying to figure out my triggers, or deal with the fact that I might not have triggers at all, that it just happens! But I'm going to see a dietitian to see if I can't get more insight....best of luck to you!! Try the FODMAP diet? xx
I was recently diagnosed with IBS-d and worry about my d all the time. Have to plan everything before going out anywhere. My d episodes are not so bad right now. But I keep worrying that they will get bad. Working with my doctor to improve the same. Currently I am not working. I will start a new job in couple of weeks and keep wondering if I will be able to cope at my new job. I am following the FODMAP diet and it seems to be working for now. I don’t have so much issue with pain and cramps. But the d sometimes comes with out any warning. It’s the worst feeling. Like I can’t go anywhere. But I am trying to do everything I did. Not letting it stop me for now.