The fodmap diet has not worked for me. I live in constant pain. My intesttnes feel like they are on fire. My doctors seem to have no answers for me. Does anyone feel this same kind of pain?
Burning intestines: The fodmap diet has not... - IBS Network
Burning intestines

I do not have a burning sensation myself, but I have heard others describe these symptoms. Have you had any tests? It could be anything from an intolerance to visceral sensitivity in the intestines.
Have you had an endoscopy and colonoscopy so they can see if there is anything wrong with your vowels or stomach. Maybe gastric reflux? You need antacids to take the burning away
Yes, I have had both and have been using omprezole for a year. I do not have acid reflux, all my burning is deep within my lower bowels. My GI doctor says he has no clue just stick to the diet.
Try another opinion
I have been to 4 GI Des. I get more help from internet
I think you might have nerve neuropathy. A burning sensation anywhere in the body (not resulting from an actual burn) usually means injured or damaged nerves. It could also mean that the bad bacteria in your gut has overwhelmed to good one and are attacking the lining of your intestines. It could even mean that you have bile acid malabsorption. Regardless, what you should do is 1) take B complex supplementation, preferably by injections or sublingual in addition to a multivitamin to help heal those nerves should that be the problem, 2) use probiotics to overwhelm the bad bacteria and improve nutrient absorption, should that be the problem. I'm feeling that the problem might be nerve damage, so getting B-complex injections should at least prevent this from getting worse. If you can't afford the injections, try sublingual B-complex. The reason why I suspect nerve damage from vitamin deficiency is because you take omeprazole, and this medicine often causes nutrient deficiency in a short time. Another thing that contributes to deficiency is fiber supplements. You should have a x-ray on your spine. Any compression from damaged disks or twisted vertebrae could press on the nerves and create the sensation of burning. You should speak to a neurologist about this last possibility. Stay away from lactose, use only lactose free milk. You might have developed an allergy to something you have always had but didn't have an allergy to before. Everything said, my biggest suspicion is nerve damage from vitamin deficiency. It will take months for you to heal and you will get worse before you get better with vitamin injections.
Hi, i have this burning to, and bad nausea to go with it, my tummy is tender to the touch and gurgles - i haven't found a cure despite desperately looking and trying things, the condition rules me
So sorry.
Thank you. Sorry if that was to depressing but sometimes it's not necessary to sugar coat things.
How long have you had your ibs for , and where did it come from? Do you remember a specific event like food poisoning? It can be extremely different in people and getting it managble is something you have to explore on your own. I can't eat a lot of things that are in the fodmap diet so if you're like me you may need to reduce it further until you can find find some safe boring meals you can do and then go from there. Things like gluten can take many weeks to leave to body.
Keeping a food diary helps also as sometimes effects may not start for a day or so after.
Have you tried Buscupan as a treatment sometimes taking 4 or 5 10mg tablets at once helps me.
Hi, I used to have this a lot a few years ago when my tummy was more runny. I put it down to stomach acid getting into the bowel. I don't get it so much now as consistency seems to have changed as I have got older. It's now less runny but no easier to deal with. But one thing that did help was a small glass of milk.