Over a year ago I was taking peppermint capsules prescribed by my doctor and at the time I was experiencing a crippling pain below my ribs/top of my tummy. I was getting this pain everyday and it would come in waves. And my gp said it was reflux and gave me omezazole which I didn't take.
I stopped taking the peppermint as I found buscopan worked better. During this time the pain went away
About a month ago I started the peppermint up again as I thought it may help as I was feeling particularly rubbish and the crippling pain started again after a few days last week I stopped taking the peppermint as I was sure it was causing issues. I took some this morning and by lunchtime the crippling pain had returned along with loose bowel movements and feeling very sick. I haven't eaten much this morning which is normal for me and nothing that disagrees with me.
Has anyone had a bad reaction to the peppermint? Or know what this pain could be? At the time it started I was relaxing and having a snuggle with my son so it's not stress related