Finally after quite some time I've got a GP to actually listen to me, my problems seem to be after I've had a BM not before as some people, normally have a banana when I first get up so I can have my multitude of tablets then need the bathroom, always feel a little hungry after so then have breakfast, its when I go for the second or third time that the problems really rear their head, I feel weak, shaky and very nauseous with pain in my lower stomach area also fill up with wind and acid reflux, my anxiety levels really increase and occasionally turn into a panic attack, one GP said it was just coincidence that I feel like this and has always dismissed my digestive problems, my other GP sent me for an endoscopy and CT scan with showed gastritis and duodenitis and also diverticula's, have been on antibiotics a few times but it seems to be taking a long time to feel anything like human, I have now been referred to the Gastroenterology department at the Heath Hospital, on the waiting list for an appointment, hopefully this will start to give me some answers. Had a good chat with the owner of the local health food store as well and she suggested that because of the amount of antibiotics I have been taking lately I may need to reinforce the good bacteria in my colon by taking prebiotics rather than probiotics so giving this a try.
Sorry about the long post, but don't post very often