This girl is not pleasant to take, either on a spoon or diluted in water, but it has been really good for my partner's diarrhea problems and it's not chemical and can be purchased by Boots or health shops. It's a bit pricey, but it's proving a great help.
Silicol Gel: This girl is not pleasant to take... - IBS Network
Silicol Gel

It's been a life saver for me. Agree not easy at first but I mix a tiny bit of water in and sling it down like a shot! Evèn better when I first started using it, I used a straw which bypasses the mouth nicely. I can't do without it.
Hi Dinghy,
Can you advice the most suitable way to start taking the Silicol Gel.My issues is the urgency to use toilet after a meal,and is more of a " dump' rather than Diaherra....this has totally restricted my social life,as I now come up with excuses to avoid going out.
Mornings are also a problem,but I think stress of having a " accident " may be the issue.
Thank yoy
I take it first thing on a morning and if I am going out for a meal I take it before I go out.
Hi Kampala
I can't advise you but I can tell you how I take it if that helps? I am familiar with your scenario above as my problem was stress relate IBS and lots of times linked to eating out or travelling, or attending work meetings. I have been in scenarios where I have eaten and then within 10 minutes or even during a meal, an urgency to evacuate the bowels! Or having to get on and off the trains because I feel like i'm going to have an accident and need to find a toilet (not helped by our commuter trains not having any toilets!)
I first started taking silicolgel at the full 3 a day dose. It worked quickly for me within 24-48hrs i'd say (it's a while ago now) and it helped break the psychological problem of always stressing about where a toilet was, as I realised that I no longer had the urgency feelings and if I kept calm and took my silicolgel - then I was going to be fine. Cut a long story short, I reduced the dosage to 2 a day, and I now only take it when I feel a stressful situation coming up, if I have to travel I take 1 dose the night before and one on the morning of travel. I take one dose a day if i'm abroad on holiday. And I take one dose about an hour before going out to eat in a restaurant - sometimes i'll take 2 if there is travel involved.
All I can suggest is that you take the 3 tablespoons a day for the first day or two and see how you feel. Then you may find that you can reduce it to 2 a day, etc.
I believe IBS is quite an individualised illness and if you read lots of posts on here you'll see a combination of things that people use and what works for one, doesn't always work for another. The sharing of experiences hopefully helps people to find their way to manage their symptoms.
I have been so well since finding my strategy. I still travel with an emergency immodium in my bag but I rarely use it. I have just thrown away out of date pack and renewed. And I travel with water and a plastic bag etc as comfort items. But never have to use them since taking silicolgel.
I do believe that once we get into the psychological battle of IBS / diarrhoea worries about where the toilet will be, etc., that is the biggest battle to overcome and silicolgel helped me break that cycle. I go to the theatre now and don't panic if I am sat in the middle of a row far away from the toilets. I can sit in a restaurant and not panic about being hemmed into a corner. I travel without having to visit every toilet enroute. etc. Life is so much better.
I hope this helps. Sorry if this is TMI!
Thank you Dinghy for your insightful reply and advice,I will give it a go.
Hi Dinghy,
I read your post with interest as it described very well much of what happens to people with IBS. One question springs to mind though. Why would you still carry Immodium as a safety measure. That suggests to me that Immodium must also have worked well and maybe better than Silocogel.
I just wondered if there was a reason that you did not get the same results by just taking Immodium pre travel /meals etc. I assume that there must be some advantages that you derive from Sillcol gel. Interested in your advice , as I have tended to stick with Immodium but always willing to try other things .
I just carry it as a psychological emergency strategy. And once I did get food poisoning from a very expensive restaurant, about 2 years ago and was very ill - boy was I glad I had that immodium with me then whilst I took refuge in a very kind pub until symptoms were under control and I could get home!
Another reason for me to rely less on immodium is because when I was using immodium more, I found it had a bit of an uncomfortable build up / hangover effect on my digestive system making me constipated and bloated that I didn't enjoy and don't find with silicic acid. Plus one of the side effects is a dry mouth - I suffer from dry eye at my age now and I suspect it would worsen the dry eye too. Horses for courses.
An 'emergency' pack of goodies still helps put my mind at ease that, if I were to be really ill, then I could cope. The IBS Network I think has information on things that people can carry to help including their toilet / emergency card. Thankfully now, things in my emergency pack are rarely needed but always there, just in case.
I am flying at Christmas, I have a fear of flying. Although i'm already worrying about it, I do have a good strategy and take silicolgel the night before and on the morning and during that day of travel. Previous to silicolgel I would be in the toilet before leaving the house, at the airport checkin, desperate through security - looking for loos all the way to the gates. Filled with fear when the doors are closed and seatbelt sign on - thus again preventing me from getting to the toilet. I just don't have that now that my bowels (or my mind) are more controlled by having taken silicolgel. Wish it could take away my fear of flying too!
It may work for you but I think it's wise to look at when your IBS problems occur, and at other factors that may be at play. My mind I think is in a far better place now, and my social life and enjoyment of life has certainly improved as a result - this in turn has boosted my confidence and enabled me to progress. I have forgotten to take silicolgel on occasion when going out and been fine. Never thought i'd see that day.
Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
Thanks for your reply. I now understand. Like you , I have issues when travelling and use Immodium . I can then get constipated so I see why you are happy to avoid that . Interestingly I am currently on holiday in Portugal . Travelled last Monday and it was a bad experience, not IBS this time but flu. Been more or less confined to bed since. Think this might be even worse than an IBS attack. Today ( day4) is the first time I have felt well enough to leave hotel room!
I had tried silocogel ages ago and can't remember why I stopped taking it . will give it another try once recovered.
Thanks again
Yep it's the same as my partner. He takes Silicol Gel before food. First thing in morning. Give it half an hour, then eat. Three times a day or more. You may still need loo, but you will make it accidents. You can get little bottles for travel, they do ones that will fit in a tote bag. Handy for when you're out for lunch/dinner. If you've had your gallbladder out like my partner, ask doc for bile binding tablets too. He's on both at moment.
Thank you Rosie.....because of such fear I have not even taken a holiday abroad.Just too scared of embarrassing situations
maybe try taking baby steps on the travelling front. Take silicolgel and after an hour - go out for a walk, even if it is 5 minutes away from your door then back. Extend this each time. Then try another day walking to the bus stop and coming back. Next day get on the bus and go one stop and back, etc until you get the confidence back that you are in control of your bowels. I know how that panic can then set off an urgency reaction in my case. Build your confidence slowly and you will hopefully break that cycle and start enjoying trips out. Then address eating out as a whole different issue. If you have an understanding friend who could accompany you that may also help, as long as they are a calming influence. Good luck. I do hope you feel better soon.