Does anyone else get headaches when suffering from constipation?
Headaches with flare ups : Does anyone else get... - IBS Network
Headaches with flare ups

Definitely, in fact the headache often starts before I have it but always goes away afterwards. Quite often I also get a sleepless night.
Not so bad if I keep drinking lots of water.
Yes, always and they startvyoveasecwhen I have been to the toilet.
I always get diarrhoea during or after a migraine, but as said previously if your getting constipated and head ache it's probably dehydration
Yes i do. Tiredness and headache along with the constipation. Sometimes it eases when i have opened my bowels, sometimes its worse and then slowly gets better
I must be lucky in that I do not get headaches with constipation
I used to quite a bit but it's because your body is needing fluid so you get dehydrated and that is why you get the headaches. Best solution is drink more water as tea and coffee don't work as well. Hope this helps and I haven't had a headache for ages as I'm drinking more water and helps with the constipation as well.