I wish I found this website a long time ago.
While I haven't been officially diagnosed with IBS it's the closest I can get to understand what I'm going through. I haven't been able to go to the toilet naturally since I was 9, I'm now 27. In the past I've had colonoscopies and colon studies for the doctors to tell me that my digestive system was fine, clearly it is not.
I've managed to manage the condition pretty well for the past 18 years, but I haven't been able to go to the toilet at all for the past 22 days and I'm i ridiculous amounts of pain in anything but the fetal position. My wife who is a midwife says my stomach seems to have gained the equivalent of 6 months into a pregnancy, and is pretty solid. I've tried Lactulose, Movicol, Dulcolax and Suppositories with little success this time around.
I'm a fairly active person, playing sports and gym regularly and have a number of other conditions which keeps my diet fairly restrictive and allergic to a lot of medication, so I strongly doubt my diet is the cause and I haven't taken any medication in months.
I'm going to see my GP this week, but those appointment generally turn out to be fruitless. Does anyone have any advice on how to get the GP to be more thorough in their investigation and any alternative remedies.
Sorry for the long first post