where can I buy gluten free products in Scotland
FODMAP diet : where can I buy gluten free... - IBS Network

Tesco and marks and Spenser sell gluten free foods
Just found the forum.had IBS for 18 years now. This gets worse as years progress. Now my stomach goes into spasams and have fainted with this on a few occasions.one time I thought I was having a heart attack. Doctors misunderstand what IBS is. It gets me feeling low
I suffer with colitis and I find wheat and corn cause me problems. Have you tried keeping a food diary to find what triggers a attack. All the big supermarkets have good gluten free sections these days. Best of luck
Morrisons if you have one in Scotland.
Also Sainsburys.
Waitrose too ... look for the 'Free From' sections in supermarkets
Hi, I noticed your heading was FODMAP DIET, unless you have celiac disease you do not require any g/f food. The FODMAP diet is eliminating certain sugars a lot of people with ins can't digest. Hope this is of help xx