I know so many of you have really terrible pain sometime and so I know this seems not so important, but it scares me...
For the last several days I have woken up from like a 'ring' of gas like pains which goes from the middle of my bowel section making a complete circle around front and back... I know that sounds a bit goofy but don't know how to explain it better. I had a normal bm yesterday (my idea of normal) and am passing a bit of gas once in awhile...I have no idea why this scares me so badly (compared to other stuff I've gone through with IBS) but it just does... I bought some peppermint pills but they ended up giving me really bad diarrhea (took some slippery elm and marashmallow this morning) but that might take awhile to help. I guess I'm just looking for reassurance that maybe others of you have had this same thing... Thanks for putting up with this bit strange post...