Dont know how much longer i can cope with ibs can anyone give me some good tips on treatments
Can someone help: Dont know how much longer i... - IBS Network
Can someone help


Ive tryed that, doesnt work for me. And my doctors are useless, they just say theres nothing we can do
Don't know what your symptoms are, diahorrea or constipation, pain, bloating so can't give any advice

Diahorrea, bad stomach cramps were to the point im heavily sweating and feel like im going to pass out. Bloated after eating
Have you tried your own ntolerance tests by leaving ne food group at a time put of your diet, like dairy or gluten. So e people may not be ceoliac but can still be intolerant of wheat
You should also keep a food and bowel movement diary to see what changes there might be

Yep ive done all that i no what i cant eat and its alot
I have ibs and doctor prescribes meberverine works well
I take that on prescription but I find it helps diddly squat. Glad it works for you. Seems every body responds well - or not - to different things. You just have to keep plugging away. I have found Enterosgel works like a dream. It's expensive but I think I'm worth it, I really do. I buy it on Amazon and can find it nowhere cheaper. It's not on prescription but by God it should be. I was put on to it's miraculous properties by a fellow sufferer on here. It would not be good I wouldnt think if you suffer from constipation, only good for IBS-D sufferers. I hope someone who has this condition will read this, try the product and start living again xx
I have colitis and I find I have to watch my diet, it could be something you are eating which is causing it to flair up. Wheat is one of the things I have to watch.
diet is a massive thing. If I eat eggs for instance I am instantly doubled up with pain and on the toilet. Wheat causes me bloating. You need to pinpoint your triggers and eliminate them. My daughter has an adverse reaction to milk, within 5 mins she has to rush to the toilet so avoids it completely. Meanwhile try a good probiotic Bio Kult is good. Drink peppermint tea to soothe your gut. Maybe see a dietician if you are in a position to do so. I tried for years to sort myself out with medications, backwards and forwards to gp and sometimes a&e but it wasn't until I visited a natural health clinic and she told me to give up wheat that things started to improve for me.
Have you tried FODMAP diet?
Seems every body responds well - or not - to different things. You just have to keep plugging away. I have found Enterosgel works like a dream. It's expensive but I think I'm worth it, I really do. I buy it on Amazon and can find it anywhere cheaper. It's not on prescription but by God it should be. I was put on to it's miraculous properties by a fellow sufferer on here. It would not be good I wouldnt think if you suffer from constipation, only good for IBS-D sufferers. I hope someone who the latter condition will read this, try the product and start living again xx
I find Kolanticon works well and I get it on prescription.
Hi,I've had constant pain now for years,it's now getting to the point I don't know how much more I can take. Firstly I'd like to say really there's no such illness as IBS,because as you probably know the S means syndrome,so that could mean anything,so when your told you've got IBS it's really because they haven't a clue what's wrong. So if I was you I'd change your name from hateibs,to nosuchthingasibs. Just kidding .lol. Have you had the normal tests like Colonoscopy,Colonography ,Diets.ect ect. My best advise I can give to you and anyone else in our position,is push and push,until your satisfied nothing more can be done. I've been to hell and back,but I won't give up until I get some decent answer. Good luck.
I know how you feel - I've had such a bad day with symptoms, I feel horrible and drained. I try and talk to the people around me but none of them seem to understand and I think they're all fed up of me going on about it. Feel like giving up
Hope you're feeling better.