I've suffered from IBS-D for most of my life (I'm 48). I've been to several doctors, had lots of tests, seen a nutritionist, etc. Additionally I've taken TONS of various anti-diarrhea medicine over the years. I've tried to avoid my 'trigger' foods, tried elimination dies, FODMAP and never got any relief that lasted for more than a few days.
A couple months ago, someone on this forum mentioned Phenergan. I started taking it, one 25 mg pill before bedtime. It *massively* helped my diarrhea. In fact, I think I've only had 2 incidents of IBS in the past two months (completely unheard of before, as I'd have it 4-7 days a week prior!). A week or so ago, I switched to the 10mg pills. However, I still had that awful bloated feeling.
Years ago I experimented with a high-raw vegan diet, but I didn't last very long on it, and reverted to the standard western diet. Recently I remembered that I felt my very best eating high-raw vegan. So I started again three weeks ago, as I was desperate to get rid of the gas and bloating. It worked. I eat up to 12 different veggies/fruits per day and NO gas, bloating or diarrhea. I eat cabbage most every day, and all the things that my nutritionist and GP told me to avoid. What's more, my blood sugar (I'm a diabetic) has *dramatically* dropped AND I've lost 18 lbs in three weeks! Although I still have a good deal of weight to lose, I no longer have that bloated/6 months pregnant look, nor the pain that comes with it. I have lots of energy. I have started exercising again. I don't wake up in the middle of the night having to go to the toilet. I never have to rush around in a mad panic to find a loo when I'm out in public (something that I had to do frequently in the past). Yes, it is hard to eat just fruit, vegetables, seeds and nuts, and you do have to have a plan when you are out (I bring along a smoothie, or carry fruit or raw nuts or seeds in my handbag), but I feel so good now that it makes it so much easier. I've learned to make a variety of meals by downloading free e-books. My husband and step-son still eat a regular western diet (and I even cook for them!) but I'm not tempted (not even by bread, which used to be my downfall), because I know those foods only brought me sickness, pain and embarrassment. I'm not 100% raw, but 'high-raw', which means about 90%. I still make a homemade vegetable soup. Prior to changing my diet, I couldn't eat ANY soup for years, as it would send me right to the toilet.
And, not to be too graphic, but when I poo, it is mostly solid, 'normal' poos!! No pain, no feeling of not completely eliminating, and no spending 30 minutes or more in the bathroom. My husband said that when I had IBS, I'd come out of the bathroom looking drained and defeated. Now I come out smiling. LOL!
I'd just thought I'd share this as it may also work for someone else.