My 20 year old granddaughter has had CT scan, various tests but still no answer. She has lost a stone in weight, has constant diarreah , feels nausea and gets very stressed. we are at wits end. I have had IBS on and off for years and I wondered if it could be IBS. What do you all think. This has been going on for the past two years.
What is it????: My 20 year old granddaughter has... - IBS Network
What is it????
Did she have her b12 done with her bloods? From the list you give it is possible. She is young but.....
Take a look at pernicious anemea on here and see if there are any similarities.
The reason i say that is because it easily treated but not a test gps normally do as standard.
Has she had a gastroscopy and a colonoscopy to see if there is anything in her stomach or colon to determine if there is sonethong there that is causing her symptoms
If her dictor won't send her tohospital for these tests perhaps you should ask for a second opinion.
It's not right that she should lose that amount of weight and not be tested
Has your granddaughter had a SeHCAT test for bile acid disorder/malabsorption (usually referred to as BAD/BAM)?
If she hasn't, try Googling Professor Julian Walters as he's the leading expert on this. The test is non-invasive and available on the NHS.
Prof Walters has written that 50% of the so-called IBS diarrhoea-predominant patients that he sees actually have BAD/BAM so it's well worth following-up - especially as it's very treatable.
Very wrpng! Poor gir ssbouldbe referred to a specialist. The more you worry the more pain you will have! .but losing weight should be checked out . god bless