Hi can anyone help I would like to go on the Fodmap Diet on my own but I want an easy one to follow ,there are so many ones out there I really don't know which one would be the easiest to follow . Thanks
Hi can anyone help I would like to go on the Fodmap Diet on my own but I want an easy one to follow ,there are so many ones out there I really don't know which one would be the easiest to follow . Thanks
Hi If your from the UK,Google Kcl.ac.uk/fodmaps. That's the UK booklet I was given by a dietitian.
Thank you I will look it up,thanks for your advice.
I would recommend a book called ibs free at last.
Get the app from Monash university. They are the ones who originated it and are still testing foods ongoing and updating g the app as new foods are tested. It is excellent and foods are shown on a traffic light system which is very easy to follow. You eat only the green traffic light foods for 4-6 weeks then you add back in foods by type to see which are adversely affecting you. You could start by also going dairy and gluten free. I have hD IBS for 29 years and FODMAPS has been a complete breakthrough . Good luck.
Thank you So much sashapet for sure I will get the app . Sunnycot
The hardest part of any diet is picking the foods you will like and also will stick to without cheating... You are not alone...
Your so right but for sure I will give the Fodmap diet a good try as everyone says how good it is.
Went on Fodmap diet 1st. June--info from Monash University site. Didn't find it half as hard as coping with IBSD. No regime is, surely? I missed basic ol' bread, though!
Despite having others to cater for, I followed the instructions very carefully, including the advice about water: 6-8 glasses per day.
Found only two triggers by mid-August, (honey and garlic/onions) and even those I can tolerate IN SMALL QUANTITIES.
This question of quantity and liquid is important I feel, as now I can tolerate a few items that include the triggers.
Give it a go, Sunnycot. Good luck.
Thank you so much Chris for your advice I will get the app today, and give it a go hope it works for me fingers crossed .Sunnycot.