Does anyone else suffer from vomiting when they get an attack of doctor is referring me to a specialist as he says it's not a symptom of IBS -d but I find once I have vomited my bowel settles down. Anyone else have this symptom as I am worried now!
Vomiting: Does anyone else suffer from vomiting... - IBS Network

Yes I vomit with its Dr's aware and says that it could be the pain . I have had anti sickness tablets that you put under you lip to do solve but by the time I take it and wait I'm usually being sick. 3 hours or so and it usually passes.
I don't think the vomiting is unusual at all! I honestly would not worry about it. I know its a pain in the tush (ok stomach!) to go through, but to me, its an 'anxiety reaction' knowing you have to go through that gosh darned diarrhea again! Plus, we get to be SUCH creatures of habit... and the brain goes: "Ok. Diarrhea GO!! And now: Vomit" ... it becomes like a program... I honestly think if you relax more about it, it will lessen as time goes by.
Thank you for reassuring me cos my doctor has referred me to a specialist as she feels vomiting is very unusual. Glad (!!) to know it isnt!!
I get severe nausea with IBSd, and get close to vomiting (heaving and acid reflux - both). The GP has given me Stemetil, which to be fair does help. Try not to worry, I don't think any of them understand it, even the Gastroenterologist!
I think you will find it is different for everyone in how they handle the pain and issues associated with IBS.
As noted while Vomiting is not a common associated symptom, it could very well be either the cause of other symptoms or a reaction to symptoms.
All should be investigated.
Hi there, i don't vomit, but i do feel very bloated with the need to be sick, but as i hate vomiting i try aand relax and the feeling passes after an hour or so but it very uncomfortable while it lasts, i do suffer from reflux and i am medicated for it, but since i have been diagnosed with ibs these tablets are becoming less effective, so as others have stated, yes it can be associated.
Yes, i do vomit with my ibs, i get bad reflux for a week or so before, i have a bout of vomiting. I usually know when its coming on, i usually feel better after being sick, aswell, i had many tests, but docs still put it down to ibs. The only thing that helped me was eating plain foods& nothing too hard to digest such as high fibre food& milk products, as i feel it sits for ages in my stomach. I get vomiting diarrhoea and constipation like a roundabout. Hope your tests show, that it is treatable. Good luck x
Thanks everyone for your responses ..I am still waiting to hear from the hospital re getting my appointment with the gastroenterologist but when I do I will ask all the relevant questions but thanks to you and this wonderful site I feel much more reassured!