What happens when you don't pay close attentio... - IBS Network

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What happens when you don't pay close attention... :(

BettyA profile image
6 Replies

I have been a bit of a wreck waiting to hear about my results of the CTscan I took Wed, the 8th. Nothing. So...I email (Kaiser has a great emailing system and works faster than phone calls!) my dr...then RE-READ the email that Dr B's asst. sent to me on the 6th...MY FAULT for not paying better attention.

She said if you don't hear from Dr. B within a couple of days after the scan get it touch to make an appt. with him... SO I can only ASSUME this means the scan was BAD NEWS and yes, Anxiety is pretty much on the menu all the time...horrible night last night. The ONLY TIME that the email thingy didn't work was last night. Naturally!! Too late to call... So the email was fixed by AM and wrote to him...and said I would try to get an appt. as soon as I can...

OK...I am the guilty one for not letting it soak in what his asst wrote... but do you think this is all really right.??.. Am I right or over reacting to think 'now that means the results are BAD' and he has to talk to me in person... Am I being overly sensitive or picky for thinking that maybe this merited a CALL to me saying in a gentle way... "there are a couple of things I would like to point out here..."

I honestly don't think the results will be TOO bad because I HAVE NO symptoms of cancer...the BIG FEAR.... but I just need to know...so now, more days of waiting, not knowing a damn thing...until I get an appt. Sorry for being whiney and complainey...but I'm scared and upset... Just thanks for being there, nice people. who always seem to understand.

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BettyA profile image
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6 Replies

Hi Betty,

My guess is that you would have had a call from your doctor within a couple of days if anything had been seriously wrong - no way would it be left up to you to make an appointment to see him whenever you got around to it.

Pretty sure I'm right on this, so stop driving yourself bonkers with worry!


BettyA profile image
BettyA in reply to

Thank you, Rosie!!!! That was the sensible straight talk I NEEDED!!! and what you say DOES make sense... I felt very relieved after reading your reply to me. NOW...with my head on a little straighter and my focus is shaping up... I SHALL CALL~!!!! HUGS to you!! (whew...so glad you replied...) :)

If I'm reading this right the assistant letter was dated two days before the scan.

So there would have been no knowledge of the outcome of the scan, this is a "customer service" notice to say that's the standard response time.

I don't know about your doctor but usually if there is an issue then they would get in touch quickly.

There's a saying" no news is good news

04lyndy profile image

I'm a GP receptionist. In my experience if it's serious the GP phones the patient or asks Receptionist to get patient in that GP's surgery. Even then it could be to confirm Diabetes or Kidney stones - we've found it doesn't matter how you communicate with a patient - never please all the patients all the time. We send letters and ask patient to make a "routine" appointment to see GP to discuss recent test results. This could be to discuss diet and lifestyle because cholesterol is over the recommended level or to discuss treatment for confirmed diabetes - kidney stones - etc. if it's necessary - the surgery will phone and continue to do so until they have spoken to you. Please please please remember - worry and anxiety changes nothing - just robs you of today xx

BettyA profile image
BettyA in reply to 04lyndy

You really bring up some good points, and I know what you say is true, Lyndy. but, as I said, it WAS my fault for not paying closer attention to her wording...had I done so, I would have called and ask the Dr's nurse: "exactly what does this mean?"

AGood profile image

Hi BettyA. Awful to get ourselves into such a state of high anxiety. I have been in the same situation a few times myself. It does us and our condition no good at all, just leaves us feeling miserable and exhausted. I do agree, if results had come back with worrying results and they hadn't heard from you I'm pretty sure they would have contacted you. Till your appointment comes through I would highly recommend you try some guided meditation on YouTube. There are some brilliant ones to choose from. I'm listening to a couple of really beautiful ones at the moment. Not too sure if I can endorse them on this site but feel free to PM me if you'd like a point in the right direction. Exercise, positive mental attitude and meditation really help me right now. (Mostl days anyway, I'm only human 😊)

Best wishes


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