I had antibiotics for 5 days and thought it was gone but I keep getting some soreness when I need to pass water my urine test shows nothing but it is quite uncomfortable when it keeps occurring. Anyone else had similar experience?
Cystitis: I had antibiotics for 5 days and... - IBS Network

As you have been taking anti-biotics it sounds like you could have a bit of thrush, i may be wrong but often happens to me
Every summer for the last few years!
Now doc gives me permanent prescription for instant antibio when symptoms strike
External irritation is maddening
Increase fluids,change underwear ,nappy cream ,trying everything!
Regular cranberry
Worse after intercourse but age may be a factor
Yes I'm like this too, I've been taking a daily super strength Cranberry supplement from Healthspan & have been much better. Prior to that I'd had so many antibiotics the doctors were threatening investigations. I find long journeys the worst so when going on holiday I always take an emergency supply of antibiotics just in case also taking a bath instead of a shower can be a trigger too & perfumed soaps.
Cystitis normally causes stinging not soreness. I agree with previous answer and feel it could be thrush. If you don't want to use medication try using natural yoghurt and wearing only cotton underwear when you have to wear any. Also wear a skirt (assuming you are female) allowing air to flow in that area for a few days.
Best advice from consultant in the 90's for me was to go to the toilet after sex - as it washes any bacteria away from the urethra. And bottle wash after a BM - which came from Angela Kilmartin's books on cystitis. I had it constantly in the 90's but have been free of it ever since I adopted both those strategies!