Hi everyone,newbie here. I have suffered with IBS for over 40 years and nowhere near sorted out! Had every test and drug imaginable,I think.
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Hi Elaine I've had IBS for around 12yrs and like you had every test diet and gastrologist available. But have you had Hypnotherepy?
Hi Gemini71
Have you? This is something my son is thinking about after I read some articles about Gut Directed Hypnotherapy trials done in Sweden a few years ago. It's obviously finding a good therapist though.
Hi Frazzeledmother .Ive got an appointment for the end of December,with a professor Peter Whorwell who is also a gastrologist in Manchester university Hostpital.Ive googled him and it says he's had a 70% success rate.My last gastrologist who was also a professor says he is the best in the country,for Hypnotherepy.So I'm just hopeing im one of his 70%.

I think hypnotherapy is the one thing I havent tried! Ive done umpteen elimination diets,tests and procedures and have just had a colonoscopy. Had biopsies done but nothing has shown up. Im seeing a specialist at Aintree Trust Hospital in Liverpool.Some big,long name but so far nothing.I have had constant diarrhoea for years,with differing levels of illness. Some days I 'go' every 20 minutes,other days,only 4-5. And the nights?Well,havent enough time to go into that,suffice it to say,I am always shattered!
I bet you are.Considering it's just called(ONLY ) IBS you would think they would have come up with something by now ,considering all the people that have it.Its totally took my life over,and as for being poked,prodded,instruments up and down like you ive had enough,needless to say the amount of drugs I've taken and still taking.Sorry to go on so but if your anything like me your the same,FED UP.Not to forget the tears.

I hear you,sister! Haha! Last time I saw my GP about it.I just said 'Look,Ive been like this since my teenage years and Im 58 now!! Surely medicine has got something,anything!' SO she referred me to this gastro clinic. Had the colonoscopy,which was AWFUL,and now instead of a return to clinic,someone is just phoning me to 'chat' about it.In other words,there's no use seeing me cos they cant do anything. SO back to square one!
I don't think the medical profession have got the same empathy with people who are in pain anymore,we are just a nuisance and we cost money. Still I'll have to wait and see how this Hypnotherepy goes.I don't hold out much hope ,but who knows. But in the meantime we will have to keep ranting on this Forum. Who knows someone on here might have a suggestion.

I guess we just need to keep keeping on,as we used to say! Someone,somewhere will come up with something eventually. Its just the darned waiting and hoping. Please let me know how the hypno goes. I've tried acupuncture,and even osteopathy but nothing worked.

I have been to see Professor Pete Whorwell,several times ,and he is amazing has a relaxed comforting and understanding ,manner so always makes me fell better,I have had IBS and other digestive issues for 50 years, and there is nothing medically that can cure you as it is not an illness ,but rather a condition that we each handle in our own way professor Whorwell,suggested I try Gut Related Hypnothrapy as the results ,seem to have been positive he actually told me ,he feels for us sufferes he cant imagine how it must feel, not to be able to eat freely but I am 74 years old now and a lot healthier than a lot of my friends, so I guess we just soldier on !
Hi,I've just had two hypnotherapy sessions,but I can't really tell if it's working yet. Like you I seen professor Whorewell the begining of the year,yes he is a lovely companionate man. I'm also 72yrs old but this IBS has just overtaken my life for the last 12-13yrs. I travel to Manchester every week for 1hrs hypnotherapy,but my husband would take me anywhere for some relief.
I suffer daily with it quite severe, so I'm putting all my hopes on this. I wish you all the luck in the world for some help. Take care

Hi Yes,I know exactly how you feel have to think very carefully before I eat,but I have found cutting out fibre and eating White bread pasta etc help plus no fruit or veg on an empty stomach ,always a little bread or starch first really does impact on everything personally don't have severe bowel problems its more the upper gut pain burping in shoulder blade,its gross but as we have lived with it all our lives guess we learn to adjust ,I find peppermint oil capsules the most useful .but mostly I am uncomfortable, Would have hoped something new might have been available good luck on your hypnosis journey I am going to give it a try
Hi, I am just the same. 40 years as well! Have you looked into SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth)? I recently tested positive on a private test for SIBO, but my GP knows nothing about it. Waiting to see gastroenterologist (privately again unfortunately) & nutritionist.
I did self hypnosis using cd's through ibsaudioprogram. It helped a good deal in tackling the stress side of IBS giving me strategies to help. It cost around £68 I think and is a 100 day course which you listen to specific parts each day( I used to do it every bight before switching out the light at night.)
The other thing which has helped the most is the FOdmap diet which I started by going gluten and lactose free plus the'green' traffic light foods on the Monash University app. You could also cut out onions too as that seems to be a trigger for many people on here plus use garlic infused oil instead of garlic. Good luck I have had IBS for 28 years and the aforementioned helped me far more than any medication I have been prescribed. The only thing I use now is peppermint oil capsules and Imodium when necessary. I find I am much more in control of my life now and although still need toilets pretty quickly I can cope much better and am not completely ruled by it now. Good luck everyone

Thanks,this is very positive. I meditate to lessen stress and its part of my religious practise too (Im a former Buddhist nun),so I'm familiar with that kind of taped programme.
I have tried the good old peppermint capsule but boy,it made me puke-NOT pleasant!
Imodium can be a life saver but the more I use it,the less effective it is.
The consultant I saw about 6 weeks ago said I should stop using it cos people don't use it properly.
She said most of us follow the instructions on the box to treat a one off bad tum,whereas we should be using it in a different way,as a daily treatment.
She said she would discuss this with me at the next clinic appt. BUT,now that Ive had the colonoscopy,instead of getting an appt card,I just got a letter saying a nurse from the clinic would ring me at home to discuss my case next week.Never heard of phone consultations before,have you? My GP does this,but a hospital clinic?
We'll see what happens anyway.
Elaine xx
As I suffer from IBSD and C alternating I use the Imodium when very loose and the peppermint oil capsule if bloated due to being blocked up. I find if you take the capsules immediately prior to eating a bowl of cereal that is sufficient to damp it down enabling it to work without the nausea. Never had telephone consultation from a hospital either. When I had my colonoscopy I got a letter just saying all clear no further action needed. Different hospitals probably have different procedures.

Hi,Since starting on the liquid Imodium,I am SO much better.I would recommend asking your doctor or consultant about this. Of course,if constipation is your form of IBS,it wouldn't be any good but for those with constant diarrhea,try this,it is amazing! I am sleeping thru the night,actually leaving the house,and just feel so much better in myself.
Elaine xx
When I had a colonoscopy I got my result straight away .Ive never heard of a nurse ringing from the Hostpital to give you your results.Usually with most tests you have another appointment with your consultant.Its all getting rediculuse .
Oh and by the way Elaine I found the colonoscopy really painful,so much so I pinched the nurse in the Stomack.
Thanks for your comments. By your 'names',I cant tell if ur male or female,which is a shame. I'm female,btw.Well,how many guys called Elaine do u know,haha!
Have to agree about the colonoscopy.I found it very painful.I hadn't expected that. They gave me gas and air.The nurse just said how to use it,breathe in and out thru the tube,nothing else so I thought u did it throughout the procedure!! Duh!
I felt like I was dying! Everything was going away from me and getting black at the edges.
Then I heard the nurse say 'Elaine,r u ok?' and I said I felt like I was passing out(didn't want to sound all dramatic by say I thought I was dying!)and she said well take that damned thing out of your mouth and breath normally. What a shambles!
Anyway,I was given a sheet of paper which said what they'd done and that the biopsy results would take about 6 weeks and Id be seen in clinic.
So tomorrow is the call from the clinic,Ill let u know what they say.Ive got my questions ready.
Hey,has anyone tried this new Silicolgel? I got a bottle today so Ill let u know if theres any change.
What are your symptoms - diarrhorea or constipation ? Knowing that will make it easier for people to tell you their experiences and maybe give advice to see if it helps

My symptoms are chronic diarhoea,with cramping on the upper left side of my stomach. A feeling of nausea and worst of all,accidents when I cant get to the bathroom quick enough. NOT the best way to start your day!
It's lactose and dairy that cause my symptoms - you'll find lactose in nearly all tablet medication - so I take ibuprofen in liquid gel capsules if I have a headache.
Before my diagnosis my GP gave me immodium (also called loperamide) in tablet form and I was no better. I did think that the diarrhorea was being caused by something I was eating/drinking but until I was cleared by all the tests and diagnosed with IBS did I eliminate dairy and within 3 weeks my symptoms were under control. Now my diet is strictly lactose/dairy free

I glad you have been able to pin point what causes your probs.Its so much easier when you can think to yourself that just eliminating something from your diet will help.
I did the elimination thing too.It confirmed some things I knew already but drew my attention to some things I hadn't been aware of.
For instance,I knew that citrus,whether fruit or juice was a big no-no,but then pinpointed any green veg,anything with a skin on,like berries or even tomatoes and peppers.
I went wheat/gluten free for 5 years,that worked almost right away-for about 6 months,then gradually back to the dashes to the loo.
I can eat some stuff cooked but not raw(like carrots) and some raw but not cooked. Weird and wonderful!
As to the Imodium,I lived on them but they worked less and less as my body adjusted to them.
Also my consultant told me that the way Imodium is prescribed,its for sudden onset diarrhea,when I needed a much smaller dose but on a regular basis. This has worked great.
I had my first 'dash' this afternoon since I started on this regime and only the one time. So I'm going to try taking the meds for 2 days then have a break so I can actually GO to the loo then when it starts getting a bit 'runny' again,back on the meds for 2 days.
I'll let u know how it works,but I'm feeling much better in myself and Ive actually had a week of uninterrupted sleep! Wow!

Ive done the good old elimination diet and going dairy/lactose free did nothing.
With me,its mostly citrus,berries,foods with a skin,like tomatoes etc.
I used to work with a woman who's brother was just like u.He went off the naughty stuff and his life was changded.I wish!
Hi everyone
Just thought Id give an up-date on my latest treatment.
If you remember,I recently had a colonoscopy and then was tried on a small(1mg)dose of liquid Loperimide.
Well,I took it for 3 days-absolutely great!
NO pain,sickness all the usual symptoms but as I hadnt 'been' at all thought I better take a break cos a person NEEDS to poo,right?
So I have taken any meds since Monday night and I'm actually having ,dare I say it,'normal poos!
I haven't had to re-start the meds,tho I expect I will cos I cant believe a 3 day course of Pediatric Imodium will cure me for life,but WHAT a difference!
I feel great and wonder if anyone else has been prescribed this?
If not,ASK why not!
Hi, How are you?
Could you answer this for me? I have suspected IBS
I am 20 years old. The night before I feel full and bloated(I need to go but cant go). The next morning I feel the need that I need to go to the toilet. It is diarrea combined with stomach cramps. I then go(I take 2 Imodium tablets), I then need to go 5 mins later again not normal(Take 1 Imodium tablet). I will then have to go again. It is more normal this time ,varies. I then have a sore stomach. this happens every 2 weeks. I have the urge to go and I have to go annoyingly. From your view of having IBS does this sound like IBS? I have a doctors appointment tomorrow about it(Friday) but are really embarrassed about that I have to go.
It is mega embarrassing as Mum says what are you doing in there so long? You must be finished now. It disrupts my plans a lot as mum says you cant go out with an upset stomach.
It is a pain this IBS if it Is that. I hope to get a response from someone with IBS as it would make me worry less about it.
Hi Julie, I'm just new to the group tonight, your symptoms sound very much like IBS did you get this confirmed.
Elaine, thanks so much for starting this thread, as much as its not nice to hear what others are going through, its a comfort to me to know that im not alone, I really struggling at the moment and this reading really helped - thank you xx