I have an important interview for college. Can anyone give me some tips?
I have odor problems, and IBS-C.
I have an important interview for college. Can anyone give me some tips?
I have odor problems, and IBS-C.
I don't think it matters whether you are male or female but you could try panty liners - nobody except yourself will know that it is there - these do control the odour from periods if they are changed regularly
I use charcoal capsules from a health food shop as recommended by a fellow sufferer and they work for me. Good luck
Rule out fissures, if you don't get to the root of the problem, it will continue. Get a rectal exam. You can use every thing to mask it, but it will continue, if you have rectal issues at the bottom. It's an awful problem to live with , and the stress actually makes the smell worse. Good luck!
There are odour eliminating pants you can buy which come highly recommended. They are called Shreddies but they aren't cheap. Sticking to really safe foods helps mine. Good luck!
not that I've heard of. sorry
Hiroshi, sorry to be ignorant here, but is the smell because of the IBS-C?
If so than you need to get the C sorted out rather than mask the smell.
Please try Traditional acupuncture.
What food elimination diets have you tried?
Have you spoken to a gastroenterologist? Had tests done?
Please look at those.
If you have a build up of waste inside than you will cause yourself more harm in the long term.
I don't have a ridiculous amount of money to spend.
I've eliminated wheat, dairy and caffeine from my diet.
The waiting list for a gastroenterologist is 22 weeks in my area.
In that case look up FODMAP diet and start yourself on that. See if you notice any differences.
I only have 3 days to prepare myself for this interview.
Hi hiroshi,
It's still not too late to get some improvement if you start the FODMAPs diet from lunchtime today!
The best source of immediate information is the smartphone app available for download from Monash University - the diet was created there and the evaluation of different foods is ongoing.
You can download Patsy Catsos's book 'IBS-Free At Last!' and also her new recipe book: ‘Flavour without FODMAPs’ which I haven’t yet seen, but sounds pretty comprehensive.
Sue Shepherd and Peter Gibson's book 'The Complete Low-FODMAP Diet: A Revolutionary Plan For Managing IBS And Other Digestive Disorders' is also downloadable. These two developed the diet at Monash so you can't really go wrong.
All the books are better in hardcopy as charts etc don't transpose to eformat very well, but for instant help, they'll do.
I started the diet about 2 years ago using just the Monash app and Patsy Catsos’s first book (the Sue Shepherd one has only recently been published) and found that all other information on the web was misleading, outdated and frequently wrong, so I strongly advise you just to stick with the above.