Any suggestions? A lot of wind - both ends! L... - IBS Network
Any suggestions? A lot of wind - both ends! Lactose intolerant, FODMAP diet helps pain - but not this.

I was very similar to this. Saw a dietician last week (7 months after referral! ) and I've now cut out wheat and lactose and I've minimised my fresh fruit intake. I was told i had to eat more (!) and increase my calcium intake. I take a peppermint oil capsule and 2 acidopholus (probiotic) with breakfast. And I think I'm already seeing results (after a couple of very windy days initially). Might just be a coincidence but might be worth a try.
Don't know if you use soya but if you do leave off using for a while and see how you are. I found that soya makes me more windy than anything else.
I found a cure for my wind I took a tablet called windezz funny spelling gotbit from boots another good cure is peperment water but that's very hard to get unless through a hospital pharmacy
In the mean time try peperment tablets or charcoal from any heath shop capsules they really work and help with bloating as well you have to give them a few days of the full dose before thety work.
After 10 years of IBS and trying lots of different medications, and having various tests, found a product mentioned on this helpful website called Kolanticon and am really finding this helps with wind, which was one of my major problems, apart from bloating, cramps and occasional diarrhoea. It's available from Lloyds pharmacy without prescription, but you have to ask for it as they keep it behind the counter for some reason! Good luck to you.
I try to avoid but when it occurs, I'm happy when it comes out! because trapped gas triggers dystonia (I also have PD).
Thanks to all of you who have replied and given me some suggestions.
Thanks Kerry - how much fennel? It is okay as it is a FODMAP? Are Fennel capsules any good?
Ive just ordered some of these!
I bought and took a calcium supplement for a couple of days and yes, things got pretty horrendous. So i stopped those and I'm now eating 2 bowls of cereal per day (non-wheat cereal and using lactose free milk) as the dietician told me you get all the calcium you need from 1 pint of milk a day, as well as a small piece of cheese per day and I use real butter. I think it's helping but only time will tell. I'm certainly already more regular and what bloat I do get goes after a bowel movement.
Thank you - that clarifies things. I'll give the seeds a go.
Surely if you are lactose intolerant cheese and butter wont help you

Small amounts don't seem a problem for me. When it comes to eating bowls of cereal I've been avoiding it for years as it always made me feel so ill and I put it down to the cereal itself. I don't have the same problem with cereal with the lactose free milk. I think it's all about finding a balance for yourself - I had to increase my calcium intake as it was practically zero, calcium supplements just made the bloating, wind and constipation worse, so my dietician told me to try what I'm doing and it seems to be working for me. Might not work for someone else.
I have to be completely dairy free to stay free of my diarrhorea symptoms
You coulld eat almonds for calcium as they are in the top 10 calcium containing foods.
I have to be very careful about taking any tablets as a lot of them contain lactose - even ibuprofen so I take liquid gel ibuprofen - all labels and ingredients have to be read very carefully.
The only cereal I eat at the moment is cornflakes as these were suggested before I had a colonoscopy as being gentle on the bowel
Kerry - how much fennel seeds should you chew after a meal?
Thank you.
Thanks Kerry. Should I take fennel seeds after every time I eat - or is it just main meals? And can I take them forever!!???
Yes please.