What is the full form of IBS.: - IBS Network
What is the full form of IBS.

Not quite sure what you're asking here. Do you mean what does IBS stand for? If so, it's Irritable Bowel Syndrome, which can be either diarrhoea predominant (IBS-D), constipation predominant (IBS-C) or mixed/alternating between both IBS-A or IBS-M.
there are no definitive symptoms for ibs it seems to be when all else is ruled out ibs is title is put on . you can have diaria / constipation, bloating ,pain in abdomen ,cramps, indigestion, and other symptoms you can get all or a few of these symptoms they can come in bouts or be constant as in my case lasting more than 20 years. hope this helps
Kerrym212 just about covers it all !
Very well put Kerrym212!
Thank you Trishyb59. I have been concerned that because I have morning diahorrea and nausea EVERY DAY and no other obvious IBS symptoms apart from fatigue and headaches, that I had in fact been misdiagnosed. However I have seen 3 specialists and had a barrage of tests all of which have been frustratingly clear so I guess IBS is prob the diagnosis. I am only thankfully that once my "morning rush" is over thats me till the next day - if only I could shake the fatigue and headaches I could probably cope if I could get over the fear that its something worse!!!!!!!
This is the great frustration of the syndrome that causes anxiety .Namely the different symptoms for different people and different symptoms at different times in the same person .I like you have had 10 years of tests and procedures and visits to consultant gastroentoroligists and urologists plus nutrionists etc etc .and the nearest I have got to a diagnosis is "probable IBS,because in all these years of tests the only thing found has been a small Hiatus hernia and some diverticula .The Hiatus Hernia is probably inherited and the diverticula the result of more or less continuous Constipation most of my adult life . So when symptoms get bad the mind imagines all kinds of nasties and more examination reveals nothing and anxiety escalates yet. Again .Then it all goes and I forget all about it then for no apparent reason physical or mental ,quite suddenly a bunch of debilitating symptoms return .
I have more than 5 of these symptons no anxiety but. Being a diabetic for more than 18 yrs now.is there a solution to this diahorra n constipation and of course pain n gas formation. Pls advise am at my wits end
I'd recommend the low FODMAPs diet to you, but my husband is a diabetic so I understand the restrictions of the diet you must already be following for that. I think you should ask for a referral to a dietitian and get some in-depth advice that suits both diabetes and IBS.
OMG! I have almost all the symptoms above. It's gotten worse since I had a bowel resection and an ileostomy (which was later reversed) due to endo stage 4 in my bowels. The penny has finally dropped! My question now is, what can I do to make my life easier?