All the foods on the list are on my no no list: apple juice, white grape juice, popsicles, etc. Am I to subsist on lemon water and bouillon for 2 days? Anyone survive this?
Any one with IBS-C prepare for a colonoscopy? - IBS Network
Any one with IBS-C prepare for a colonoscopy?

Where you given a laxative preparation to drink in the 12 hours before your procedure? I had to fast for 24 hours and only eat lightly before that for mine. If there is anything left in you the camera will not be able to view all of the colon area it needs to. Can you take any fruit at all? If you have a juicer, juice some Clemintines (make sure they are a couple of days old as they start to lose their sweetness) and some clear soup might be acceptable but best to check with whoever is carrying out your procedure before going ahead. You can google 'what to eat before a colonoscopy'. Good luck.
I'm doing a 2 day prep because I have had 2 incomplete colonoscopies 6 years ago and because I have PD and IBS-C. In fact the pain that ruins my life stems from the prep for the 2nd colonoscopy. The GI doctor had no sympathy and in fact made me feel it was my fault I wasn't all cleaned out. Now on day 2 of prep so wish me luck. I found a new GI doctor who is very sympathetic. Wish me luck! I only wish to live my life without this pain. I am also researching how to eat when I come out of the colonoscopy to replace what's lost.
Hi Pat
Yes I had this done several times over the years and you will get through it. I found that the laxative drink is best drunk freezing cold and I also lived on herbal teas during those two days. Also you can make up your own lemon popcicles and freeze.
Please be warned that you will not be able to go out during the laxative stage.
Good luck x
Thanks, ladycx, I am a big fan of herbal tea and plan to make a pitcher before I start the second batch of golytely at 5:30 p.m. last batch at 3:30 a.m.!!!
Yes, I have anticipated not being able to go out. The first batch took a long time to take effect as I swelled up like a water balloon. I found I had to lie down and get up again for it to take effect.
Had a week of eggs /white bread-no veg no fruit and the powder drink to take(clear system)
(that was 13 years ago)haven't had a colonoscopy since- Was in my 50's (2000).
Didn'/t have so much info in those days-think we are better informed now as we can google everything!
Outcome of this was a negative result!
Ratton How are you these days? I am 63 @ your age. I am new to this site. What was the negative result and how are you doing today?
'I suffer from IBS. I AM WONDERING how often, I should take a colonoscopy?
Are IBS PEOPLE more prone to get colon cancer?
I hope you are doing better.
No..lemon juice is bad for IBS lol.... Just bite the will be over soon
I haven't had problems with lemon. I have problems with apple juice, white grape juice, gatorade, kool-aid, popsicles, ices.
I am subsisting 2 days on lemonade, chicken broth, coffee, sorbet and jello. And 4 liters of Golytely! My pharmacist was surprised, never knew anybody who had to do this for 2 days. So far no pain but the Golytely is salty and I will say no more!
Be careful with the coffee , caffeine in coffee can cause pain. I've had to cut down to two in the morning and disgusting decaff for the rest
It will soon be over and your tummy will feel a lot better after.
I survived on jelly....
After a 2 day prep with Golytely, the colonoscopy was 100% succcessful and detected only minor problems including one in the area that causes me PAIN! I am full of hope right now (not FOC like my previous GI doctor told me)
I have a colonoscopy booked for the week after next. My previous one was 12 months ago and I had to take Moviprep for two days before the procedure. Since I already suffer from diarrhoea approx. 12 times a day, it left me so ill and dehydrated that I was unable to get out of bed for over 2 weeks. As if this wasn't bad enough, instead of clearing my bowels this preparation simply caused the contents of my stomach to "foam up", like cavity-wall insulation, which meant that the colonoscopy was only a partial success anyway. I received a new package of Moviprep in the post yesterday and have already decided that I not going to take it. I spoke to someone at the hospital who suggested that there may be other alternatives, such as complete fasting for a few days. I shall be speaking to my consultant over the next couple of days and will come back and post any advice or information that she gives me. Whatever ever happens I will not be bullied into any treatment which I know is going to cause me unnecessary suffering for little or no advantage - those days are long behind me!
Good idea! One size DOES NOT FIT ALL! my 2 day prep worked find and i was able to complete the colonoscopy for the first time after 2 tries. I have IBS-C and PD so I am the opposite of you, But I haven't been right since the cleanout and the procedure. Thank goodness I have a great GI who listens. I'm calling her tomorrow. Good luck, keep us posted.
Oh btw the results were that I have a diverticulosis throughout the entire colon, no polyps, the pain I endure from time to time is apparently neuromuscular a side effect of PD after having BM. But I also have a sensitivity to 2 of the FODMAPS groups. So the discussion continues. My determination is : NO PAIN, MOVE FREELY!
I would keep away from all caffeine especially tea and coffee. I managed 3 days of starving. It''s not a life time, so just took each day as it came, i kind of nibbled on food I was allowed to eat and drank warm or cold water and nothing else, I wanted the procedure to go well, so cut down a lot. I now don't drink any caffeine as it irritates my stomach and also gives high and low moods. I am finding to get irritable and moody, does anyone else get like this? I am normally kind, but now can't keep anger in. wearing myself out. Ibs and Chronic constipation, and the pain I am in really has pulled me down.
magnesium, b vitamins, valerian and melatonin to help sleep. Daily Buddhist chanting (not proselytizing but spiritual practice really helps), exercise, and fellowship. I know it's horrible. I want my life back >-(
I only had to fast 24 hours so just drank water