I would love to know how everyone recovers because I’m so sick of the reoccurring chest infections constantly bringing up mucus and on antibiotics this is my fifth one on the last year alone . I hurt constantly and it’s affecting my home and work life, I feel so angry and I work for the NHS !. But it’s like I’m not being heard just keep being told this can happen you have long term lung damage but this is no life right now I feel so poorly all the time infection after infection . I’m just so frustrated sorry for ranting . Xx
Fed up nearly two years since I was diagnosed wit... - TB Alert
Fed up nearly two years since I was diagnosed with pulmonary tuberlcosis and extensive cavitation in my right lung !
I to have the same problem, have multiple cavities in both lungs due to atypical tb infection. All my pain seems to in my waist area and under ribs feels to me like my diaphragm is in a cramp like state, doctors just give me a confused look and change subject.
I am now starting the second 18 month course of different antibiotics after the first one failed.I to feel I’ll constantly and the breathless is unbearable. The help and support and the treatment for these infections seems to be in the dark ages. I also think a lot of my pain has come because of nerve and muscle damage caused by the antibiotics
Do you live in UK I might have this but it's attacking my bones and spine especially knee and ankle are bad. What's the test and tablets like please. Was diagnosed with latent TB years ago about 7 years
I know your pain. I had TB 10 years ago now. I left working in the NHS as could not manage working anymore. The continual chest infections antibiotics & steroids etc.
Probably took a few years to settle down once I left the NHS. But now chest ok managed with steroid inhalers. If I had stayed working in NHS I would have got sicker.
hey 87Wise, thank you for your honest post. It has been a little under a 2 years since I finished my 9 month course of treatment for my pulmonary TB and it left me with an unhealed cavity. I would say that I have only just started to feel like a normal person for the past few months. Although chest infections have luckily not been a constant thing, I have had to have a few broncoscopy treatment and lazer cut surgeries to lance open my scarred airway passages. The aftermath is a daily struggle which people do not seem to understand. The surgery always helps for a round 6 months but then breathing starts to get tighter and the daily exhaustion starts to set in again. I have lost a lot of so called friends along this journey who do not seem to understand or believe in the aftermath of the treatment. My vision has also got a lot worse as a cause to the TB meds. I feel your pain, but keep going…we are survivors x