Hi, I just started taking meds last night and with-in 30 minutes my ears started burning and my face was beat red. I just went to bed. I eventually fell asleep, when I woke up I was normal. other than horrible taste and smell & brutal headache (which I still have 8 hrs later) I was hoping to hear from nurse today so I could ask her, but she must have been too busy to call. I don't know if I should I wait before taking another dose till I talk to nurse or Dr? Has this happenned to anyone else? Thanks!
Flushing face, hot and red?: Hi, I just started... - TB Alert
Flushing face, hot and red?
Hi eyeballTB,
I am sorry to hear of the side effects you are experiencing with your TB treatment. Have they settled down a little yet?
It is common to have side effects in the first few weeks of treatment - which often include burning or itching skin. Though annoying, this is a sign that the medication is working. The side effects often subside as your body gets used to the medication.
It is important that you speak to your TB Nurse about these, hopefully they have been in touch or will be in touch soon. TB medication can be adapted to avoid side-effects if needed.
It is really important to keep taking your medication as this will stop the TB bacteria causing more damage or becoming drug resistant. The only exceptions are red flag side effects jaundice (yellowing skin) or visual disturbances. If you experience these seek medical attention immediately.
The following leaflets contain more information about side effects and managing them:
I hope this helps?
Best wishes,