Experiences with
Thyroid conditions85,888 public posts
Candida & Links to Thyroid
Read more about Candida and the links to thyroid disease: https://thyroiduk.org/related-conditions/thyroid-disease-and-links-to-other-conditions/candida-and-thyroid-disease/
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Article Writers/Harmony Back Issues
Aggie McCabe, a registered Nutritional Therapist specialising in thyroid conditions, regularly writes articles for our member magazine, Harmony.
Tuesday's Tips
[i]Two of the common associated with PBC are thyroid conditions and with those that cause anemia. This is because they both have shared genetic factors that affect our immune response. [/i]
[i]An underactive thyroid is caused by an autoimmune response to the gland itself.
ATA Alliance for Thyroid Patient Education - Thyroid Patient Education Online Forum
[i]This interactive virtual event will allow you to connect with ATA’s thyroid experts and other patients and families impacted by thyroid conditions.[/i]
[u][i]Registration is required and is complimentary[/i][/u][i]. We look forward to your participation!
Information Pack
We have put together an Information Pack full of information on thyroid disease and related conditions. For more information visit: https://thyroiduk.org/product-category/information-pack/
World Thyroid Day - 25th May 2024
A quote from twitter:
[i]#thyroidjourney #thyroidawareness #worldthyroidday #checkyourneck[/i]
[i]Michael Rosen[/i] 💙💙🎓🎓
[i]Solidarity with all fellow hypothyroids, hyperthyroids and all who have conditions.