CHANGING ROOM CHAT... APRIL RETURN ... Par... - Strength & Flex

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CHANGING ROOM CHAT... APRIL RETURN ... Part One...Think Like a TREE...

Oldfloss profile image
22 Replies

Good Morning everyone!

Here I am again... a day late of course...time out has been had. Time spent in the glorious Derbyshire countryside and time to refresh, relax and recharge.

Add to that a wonderful run /race in the form of the Monsal Trail 10K and you see why I feel raring to go.

I may be playing catch up. but, I am here in the changing room, sitting down and just chilling.

So. I have been having a think! ( oh gosh) !

Looking back over past posts, which folk do or do not read... but which for me and for a few stalwart forum friends, are a great resource to sort through and take tips from.

I have been looking particularly, at exercises relating to our core, because, I have become aware that although I do core exercise, I have not really been focusing on that enough ;so I am going to make an effort to add a bit more core exercise into my routines.

This led me on to looking at the posts from new friends in the running , the walking and this forum, and I realised that some folk are struggling with aspects of their chosen exercise because of a weakness in core strength. It then occurred to me... that quite a few folk have no real idea of what the core is, how important it is, and why we need to keep it strong!

There were two post I out on here a while back on this subject and I am going to link them... but today, I am going right back to a very simple explanation and then bung in a few really, really REALLY simple core exercise that we can all do!

Okay. Here goes.

The body’s core refers to the muscles surrounding the abdomen, pelvis and back.

My photograph shows a tree. The tree, if it is to withstand the rigors of wind , weather and everything else that is going to be part of its growth, needs a strong trunk. It needs to stay rooted into the ground with strength and stability and hold up its branches too!

Just like that tree.. we need a strong core to participate in life’s daily activities, not just in our exercise !

Without that strength... everything else struggles.

Okay... now a question...

If you look down at yourself, is your tummy sticky out-y or do you feel when you look at yourself, that you are a bit slouchy? I know I do, and I have to check myself and straighten my back and tighten my core !

Next question..How can we improve things... ?

Well. Imagine you are going to be punched in the tummy. You would tighten your tummy. Your tummy goes hard and that is the area and the muscles, that we are working on.

Now... and I said this was really basic, just a few very, very simple exercises to start us off!

We can all I am sure, find time to sneak this into a daily routine.


LEG lifts

Stand stand sideways behind a chair so the left hand rests gently on the back of the chair.

Slowly lift the left leg, keeping the knee bent until the hip is bent 90 degrees as shown.

Hold it, and slowly lower the leg almost to the ground, don’t touch the ground!

Now raise it again. Repeat once or twice.

Turn around so the other hand can rest on the chair and do the exercises with the other leg.

Just do a few repetitions, with each leg at the beginning and increase repetitions as you get stronger.

Remember, throughout to keep those tummy muscles tight.

Bridging the gap!

Lie down, keep knees and feet together while lifting the buttocks off the ground. This exercise strengthens the muscles around the hips and back, which are all part of the core.

Hold the bridge position for a few seconds.

Increase the time or number of repetitions as your strength and fitness increase.

Balance and poise.

Imagine a line on the floor... walk along that line... with a book on your head ( a light one). If you have a bean bag, then use that! I do, but then I have a granddaughter! Balance and poise. We used to have to do this when I was at grammar school!

Step it up by trying to stop... bend and pick up an imaginary object off the floor.. !

Step it up more by walking the line heel to toe!

Slowly does it!

Okay... last one, just for fun....this reminds me of the noisy breaths that we do in Yoga with Adriene.

Serpent curl.

Lie down.

Knees bent, feet flat on the floor.

Hold something between your knees to keep them together.

Hands resting on thighs.

Now, slowly, curl up.

Raising the head, sliding the hands forward on the thighs to the knees and hisssssssssssss!

Hold for a few seconds than lower slowly down.

Increase the holding time as soon as you feel stronger !


So, there we go... just a few very simple exercises to get you started!

Your turn now !

I wonder how many of you are doing core strength work already? If so, what tips have you got for us ? If not... are you willing to give it a go, and note if your fitness core strength wise increases.

Pop in, slip off your outdoor shoes and share!

Oldfloss x


Link to the first CORE post! Get those space hoppers out!

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Oldfloss profile image
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22 Replies
Gthants profile image

Some super ones here! Can't believe I haven't done bridge exercise for ages! I do get stuck in a same exercises rut, but have done a nice little 40 minutes this morning of shoulder, tai-chi, hip, hamstring, and core exercises, ending with a 3 minute 20 second plank. I feel nicely warmed up and ready for a script check trip to a London musical!

PeggySusi profile image
PeggySusi in reply to Gthants

Three minutes 20 seconds! 😳😳😳.. Well done..💪🏽

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Gthants

I am so impressed with that plank! I am not a great planker!!!

At least you do ahve a warm up routine.. I am not sure how some times, folk can do what they do just cold! But, we are all so different ! I am loving the T'ai Chi... it is a great start to each day and it makes you feel recharged doesn't it?

Huge well done to you... I hope your script check went okay!

Annieapple profile image

🍏🫶 Popping in for a breather before I run out to the chair based exercise class. Lots of core strengthening and stretches happening there! What a fab post! That beautifully ringed tree has withstood all sorts of conditions & so can we, if we strengthen our core.. supports our walking, running, rowing, swimming, posture & best of all it is good for backs!! Thanks for this incredible reminder to me Floss, not just to rely on the class & my Pilates, but to fit it extra core strengthening every day!!! I want to grow old like that tree!! Strong & sturdy able to withstand the rigours of running !! ❤️

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Annieapple

You are so right... if we take care of ourselves properly, then that self care reaps huge benefits... Trees have a lot to teach us and Part 2 next week, will be working along that theme! Thank you for sharing your feelings on this today!

PeggySusi profile image

Thank you for that.. I’m trying out all sorts of stuff.. I like variety.. I follow an Instagram account called @maiahenryfit . She has some good core routines including some like yours and also some with small weights.. and in my next life after reincarnation I plan to have a body just like hers..🤣

Annieapple profile image
Annieapple in reply to PeggySusi


Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to PeggySusi

That sounds just super.... and trying out different ideas can only be useful! That way we find what we need and what we enjoy too!

Oh my that lady in the link certainly has a tight core! Gosh.. I feel a tad flabby and I do not carry any extra weight... I think your body is probably just fine !

Huge well done to you ! On you go :)

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold

oh my goodness! How on earth do you pick something off the floor whilst keeping a beanbag on one’s head! 🤣🤣🐍

Some of these reminded me of this “Shoe Challenge” we had fun with a couple of years ago:

But seriously, I am severely core challenged, as that fabric (linear alba) split during pregnancy and never was able to grow together again.

But I have integrated a slow running man, similar to your first set of exercises of Leg Lifts, into my warmups. But I could do with doing more. I’m always in hope of my poor core still improving.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to CBDB

It is easy... just a very straight back and bendable knees ! We had to do it as a deportment exercise... ( preparing to be young ladies) ! I was quite good at it,,, ! You have to hold your head very straight and not wibble or wobble as you stoop!

Your exercises seem very useful and I am sure that every little thing will help, even in a small way!

Thank you so much for sharing these ideas here today too! x

Fiadh79 profile image
Fiadh79 in reply to CBDB

Totally by coincidence I was thinking about the shoe challenge the other day! I came across it during lockdown and couldn't do it then. But maybe now is the time!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Fiadh79

Seize the day!!!

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to Fiadh79


Let us know if you managed! I’ll be waving my Pom Poms if you do!!!

Gottamakechanges profile image

Thanks for this. I love to do YWA and she very rarely doesn't get at least a little core work in and often, quite a bit. I like the way she incorporates it in many different ways so it doesn't get boring!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Gottamakechanges

I totally agree ..and we do get core work in, in more ways than we imagine.YWA is so useful and can be tweaked to suit individual needs. I like Body fit with Amy for the same reason.

Some of her short workouts are really good.

Thank you for sharing x

Gottamakechanges profile image
Gottamakechanges in reply to Oldfloss

Ooo, Bodyfit with Amy sounds interesting. Is it on YouTube too?

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Gottamakechanges

Sorry yes... ! E,g,

Wine profile image
Wine30D Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

Loved it just did it now and feel so good thank you ❤️

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Wine

Yeah! Well done you!

Over60sRunner profile image

Thank you Oldfloss 🙏 A timely reminder that my core, and indeed most strengthening exercises, has gone out the window with the latest debilitating fatigue crash.

Sadly, because of my spinal issues, I can't do the lie down ones but there is much I can do and I have set myself the task this week of reviewing all my bookmarked YouTube videos and perhaps even getting my step out again.

The problem with chronic fatigue is the less you do the less you can do, but it's really hard to get the motivation to actually get up and get on. However, I know that something has to change, and this wonderful post has at least put a boot up my backside and let's hope that I can get going in some shape or form!

Thank you, thank you, thank you 🙏

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Over60sRunner

I can so understand that! There are issues aren't there... I have neck issues which mean I have to tweak!

I so empathise with you. That debilitating, all consuming tiredness makes things so much harder.

Bodyfit with Amy has a core and abs workout, standing and no crunches!

This one...m you could use dumbbells or tins or not..

or this

I will have a look around for other links! xxx

Fiadh79 profile image

I have a question for the team about core strength and how it relates to running. I've wondered this on and off over the past year or so since I've been running. Do you consciously engage your core muscles while you are running?

Not what you're looking for?

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