I’ve started RowAlong’s 10k rowing plan, wanting to get a bit more into long distance rowing.
So for anyone wanting to join me, either on your own indoor rower or on a rower on the gym, the minimum you’ll need is a smart phone with YouTube and an internet connection wherever your rower is.
To prepare, just subscribe to the RowAlong YouTube channel youtube.com/c/RowAlongFreeI... and you can also just click on the links below and RowAlong to his Instructions. (There is also a Facebook site, just search for RowAlong.)
(Optional) For those who are keeping a Concept2 logbook and want to program in the PM5, the best solution is to download the app ErgZone, connect to your Logbook, ideally put in your 2k pace, and find the RowAlong channel on it. ErgZone can take the hastle out of programming the PM5 (but just rowing to the videos is also ok).
Ok, here we go.
Webpage of the plan is at rowalong.com/10000m-plan/
Anyone who wants to join me in rowing through this plan, do save this post so you’ll get notified of updates.
Week 1 Session 1 – 5 x 10 minutes – resting 90 seconds between – at 18/20/18/20/18spm youtu.be/faujjz9E8E0
Week 1 Session 2 – 30 minutes at 20 strokes per minute youtu.be/cH2br4dUmTE
Week 1 Session 3 – 40 minutes – increase pace by 2seconds every four minutes youtu.be/vkUUCZN4xM0
Week 1 Session 4 – 3 x 12min with 1 minute rests – at 20/18/20spm youtu.be/wXIZPsX1B7w
Week 1 Session 5 – 20 x 20 secs with alternating pace x 3 – with 2:30 rests youtu.be/JDbsLUvLgJg
Week 2 Session 1 – 3 x 15mins with 2 min rests – rate pyramid (change every 3 mins) youtu.be/8frt-fHlNXk
Week 2 Session 2 – 35mins at 20spm youtu.be/lNJKkfY7KPc
Week 2 Session 3 – 3 x 12 mins with 3 minute rests youtu.be/WqMHlhCZecs
Week 2 Session 4 – 3 x 11 mins with 1 minute rest – at 18/22/18 strokes per minute youtu.be/KEokcoRtnbU
Week 2 Session 5 – 1min at 20spm MAX POWER then 1 min rest – 20 times youtu.be/zOOFUfh5BSk
Week 3 Session 1 – 5 x 8mins at 24spm with 2:30 rests. 8mins are split into 5min and 3min youtu.be/ErYH4DTyUzM
Week 3 Session 2 – 40 mins – changing through 18/20/22/20/18/18/20/22/20/18spm every four minutes youtu.be/6CVgrKPtCRk
Week 3 Session 3 – 40 minutes – increase 2 seconds every four minutes
Week 3 Session 4 – 30 minutes at 18spm youtu.be/oCMZ2FMBPaI
Week 3 Session 5 – 10/5/10/5/10 mins with 2 min rest between youtu.be/C4pyvS0EXK8
Week 4 Session 1 – 30mins – 4 mins at 20spm then 1 min at 28spm x 6 youtu.be/R4PvDso9998
Week 4 Session 2 – Descend through 9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 minutes, swapping 20spm and 18spm (no rests) youtu.be/yFSlD7M1sTw
Week 4 Session 3 – 10 x 3 mins at 26-28spm with 90 second rests youtu.be/Ipx4f2DgXls
Week 4 Session 4 – 30 minutes at 20spm and at 2K+18 pace youtu.be/fc64k72F1SI
Week 4 Session 5 – 15mins x 3 with 2 min rests – split into 5/4/3/2/1min chunks youtu.be/MHusYZSi0sg
Week 5 Session 1 – 4 x 8 mins with 2:30 rest between youtu.be/GChMVufnI4E
Week 5 Session 2 – 50 minutes with no rests – changing between 18 and 20spm every 10 minutes youtu.be/oO1yO9wOHsI
Week 5 Session 3 – 6 x 5mins with 2:30 rests. Starting at 10K rate and Pace – INCREASE! youtu.be/QjdFi87-buo
Week 5 Session 4 – 30 minutes – 18 strokes per minute youtu.be/CE24OWR2EEE
Week 5 Session 5 – 40 minutes – alternating 20spm and 24spm every 4 minutes (with no rests) youtu.be/PjCSvTrrFN0
Week 6 Session 1 – 5 x 8mins with 2 min rests at 26spm / 2K+10 – or your 10K Stroke Rate and Pace youtu.be/h_ytIkeZ9qM
Week 6 Session 2 – 55 minutes – changing up and down 18-20-22spm youtu.be/2mxxBgylNB4
Week 6 Session 3 – 40 minute push pace – Start at 2K+23 and increase every 4 minutes youtu.be/pefAa4hctEE
Week 6 Session 4 – 30 minutes at 20spm youtu.be/R8i2hID8sL8
Week 6 Session 5 – 3 x 12 minutes with 90 second rests at 24spm youtu.be/VnTpq3AVHsQ
Week 7 Session 1 – 12 x 3 mins with 90 second rests at 26-28spm youtu.be/sup4Plw93Dw
Week 7 Session 2 – 60 minutes – changing through 18/20/22spm x 4 youtu.be/Ok39loOrme0
Week 7 Session 3 – 20 x 1 min at 20spm with 1 min rests youtu.be/Fyx6z2f678k
Week 7 Session 4 – Start at 2K+23 and increase every 4 minute youtu.be/w6L2faOcBhM
Week 7 Session 5 – 2 x 20mins at 24spm with 2 min rests youtu.be/F1dGXXV01GQ
Week 8 Session 1 – 5 x 8mins with 3 min rests – split the 8 minutes in half youtu.be/qNsh2cs6RNg
Week 8 Session 2 – Alternate 18spm and 20spm every 3 minutes for 30minutes youtu.be/_MAjJtzovCs
Week 8 Session 3 – 10Km Prep: Row 3 minutes at 5K Stroke rate and pace – then 17minutes at 18spm youtu.be/zbL29Be_PLo
Week 8 Session 4 – 10Km time trial. (CBDB’s note: Make sure you use the Concept2 online logbook, as can then track and compare your improvements of your 10ks)
Week 8 Session 5 – 30 mins at 20spm / 2K+18 with 10 power strokes (still at 20spm) every 4:30
(CBDB’s Notes: suggested video to follow: youtu.be/uItTodIjquM )