🧘🏽So this morning was the start of YWA 30-day yoga journey themed “BREATH”, my first one! 🙌🙌🙌 And from the pics you can see I was excited to start. I had our yoga mats all ready set out for both hubby and me at 7am this morning, and this is on an annual leave day!!!
🛋And I wanted to show my (new! yay!) mat, with all sorts of blankets, yoga bricks and pillows, as I realised over a couple of recent Yoga sessions that using anything available, also from around my living-room, really helps. Santa helpfully had brought me two Yoga bricks as well.
👍🏽And @cheekychipmunks on the forum helpfully reminded me that Adriene suggests herself ‘find what feels good’. And I did.
🧱The two yoga bricks where invaluable for giving me a bit of height when doing downward dog, and using these - sometimes flat and sometimes sideways for a bit more height - meant I could do all the downward dog related positions, like forward folds, planks (with highest side up) and forward folds.
🛏The seating pillow was essential for my knees in any all-fours position, and I at times added a blanket on top of this. I can feel my knees getting better, but I do need that extra-lush padding, otherwise my kneecaps feel as if they are squished into painful positions.
🛋🧘🏽So blankets for extra cushioning for knees and also for sitting on for a bit extra height in the cross legged position. But that’s just for extra comfort, I can happily do the cross legged position, one pose that doesn’t give me any problems.
👶The roll and bigger sitting pillows is for extended child‘s pose. One for the front, and one (if needed, but I didn’t need it this time) for support to sit back on.
So you can see I’m still having quite a challenge managing all sorts of positions but with a bit of help from my livingroom upholstery I’m getting there ca 70%.
And it feels good, so I can recommend to anyone having sore joints or back or legs, feel free to use anything to adapt the positions.
As Adriene says, find what feels good!
Happy working out everyone!