Okay I played a little trick on folk.... - Strength & Flex

Strength & Flex

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Okay I played a little trick on folk....

Oldfloss profile image
52 Replies


I really hope yet again that some folk have found there way over here:)

I think that most of us would agree that strength work is necessary if we want to improve our running and make ourselves less likely to incur injury.

This week.. I am taking a look at our calves...( not that kind) :)



A great place to begin. Anytime... Any place... Anywhere!

Brushing your teeth...

Boiling the kettle...

Waiting for the toaster...

Strong Calves...mean strong running...

Running puts a significant amount of strain on the calves and some of the most familiar injuries in our running may be caused by weak calves.

How to do calf raises;

Stand up straight,

Push through the balls of your feet

Raise your heel until you are standing on your toes

Lower slowly back to the start


Stand with feet a shoulders width apart

Toes pointing forwards

Push gently up onto your toes

On your toes...turn your heels out

Turn heels back in

Gently lower your heels to the ground

Keep the legs straight but relaxed... do not lock your knees...


Stand on a step for the calf raise.

This allows your heel to drop lower than the rest of your foot at the bottom of the movement.


Bending your knees slightly when doing any kind of calf raises switches the workload from the larger calf muscle – to the smaller muscle ( I am not going to us their proper names here, ( gastrocnemius and soleus, ).

The calf raise routine should include an equivalent number of bent-knee exercises to the straight-knee raises.


You can do this, sitting on a chair with your feet on a raised surface so your heels hang down.

Seated calf raises are especially good for working the small calf (soleus muscles ) and allow you to add weight to the exercise with less risk of losing your balance.


As a runner you can, and should, try standard calf raises, bent-knee raises, seated raises, or raised raises...but on each leg separately... on one leg, and progress to adding weight to the move.

For a more advanced exercise....

When you feel comfortable with the exercises...it can be helpful to increase the difficulty of calf raises with weights

Holding a dumbbell in each hand while doing raises will help bud up the strength of those calf muscles for the pressure on them during your runs.

A basic set of Neoprene dumbbells can be bought quite cheaply online... the weights may be too light for massive strength gain, but very useful for beginners;

E,g. Amazon sell them...

I have a set in a carry case, which suit my purposes perfectly. I have had them for many years !

So.... this is the first instalment... and this week, I will be adding a few more exercises to help us look after our calves... No farm visit necessary..:)

Floss x


Sorry for the little trick I played on C25K :)

Written by
Oldfloss profile image
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52 Replies
Renidragas profile image

No problem! Always a pleasure to read your posts!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Renidragas

Great stuff.. thanks for visiting :)

AlMorr profile image

Great recommended excersises for runners Floss, to a certain extent I do some of those excersises, they certainly will help us on our running journey. 😊

🏃🏾 I am sure you will wish our friend Flick all the very best for her Oxford Half Marathon on Sunday

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to AlMorr

Every little helps as a well known Supermarket maintains... !! We do wish Flick every success... I know she will do the run beautifully :)

AlMorr profile image
AlMorr in reply to Oldfloss

I got a pair of 5Kilogram kettle bells in Tesco two years ago, I don't have dumbells but I do kettle bell swings and other excersises with them

UnfitNoMore profile image

Nice... those raised ones are “fun” at first 🤣

Before I bought dumbbells I used 10p carrier bags... bag of sugar in each for 1kg up to 5kg bags of spuds. So it can be done even on the tightest of budgets, at least until dinner time.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to UnfitNoMore

I used to use tins of tomatoes.... !!! Bags of potatoes are great, as you say..until food time :)

I had loads of these exercises to do after a minor calf tear...but they really did help ..:)

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMore in reply to Oldfloss

For arms I used pints but for some reason they seem to get lighter the more you lift them... I always ended up having to refill them too... must have been spilling it 🤣

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to UnfitNoMore

I have this weird image of you now..in a kitchen surrounded by all manner of food stuff... and Mrs UfNM getting cross! x

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMore in reply to Oldfloss

She tends to get angry whenever I’m in there... she likes my food but isn’t overly keen on the carnage that is left in my wake 🤣

Grannyhugs profile image

Thank you for tricking us here, hadn't found it

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Grannyhugs

Here you are now though and there is more to come... all perfectly doable an hopefully helpful :)

Buddy34 profile image

Thanks Oldfloss. The more we can do to keep injury free the better I say 😊😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Buddy34

Thanks.. I agree, because even when we do stuff by the book.. injuries do occur... :)

Jazzyrunner profile image
Jazzyrunner in reply to Oldfloss

That’s so true. I felt it was so unfair that even though I followed the C25k programme carefully, I still got an injury. These things happen I guess. But much less likely to if the rest of our bodies are strong too. I’m going to try to be good...

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Jazzyrunner

If we do strengthen our body it really does help, as you say..My physio tells me things heal faster...we recover quicker..because we are already half way there.

Katnap profile image

You're forgiven! Calfs. Calves. Carves.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Katnap

I know.. we have to get folks thinking about taking care of themselves... :) I have to use any wicked wiles I have :) x

linda9389 profile image

Not sure I should've read this. Pulled a tendon in my foot this week - yep after all the talk of foot exercises last week. So what next I wonder?

Still, calf stretching is the remedy for my pulled tendon (extra tight after the last four months I guess) and there's some new ones to me here, so thank you 🙂

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to linda9389

You are doing brilliantly...I found the exercises so helpful.. after my calf tear a year ago... and I am really thorough with those exercises even now :)

linda9389 profile image
linda9389 in reply to Oldfloss

That's my problem! I'm not thorough. Very spasmodic - I know the theory but it's regular practice I fall down on. Must try harder 😀

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to linda9389

Easier for me.. old, retired and a bit of a , " once I have a routine" , kinda gal! It is something I do, when I get up and I have just got into the daily exercise routine.

I also use my massage stick too before and after runs.. after the injury I have become really aware of possible weak areas! x

backintime profile image

Thanks OF, I have been doing "standard" calf raises to help my tight calves.

Not sure I understand the seated ones, I am off to google : )

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to backintime

They are trickier... some gyms have the raised seats to use..but I think once you get the hang of it...a photo of you trying could be good:)

backintime profile image
backintime in reply to Oldfloss

Not likely to happen OF - photos I mean not the calf raises : )

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to backintime


backintime profile image
backintime in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you !

Debston profile image

I came for the cute calf pic but now I'm doing the exercises - you got me!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Debston

Well.. our calves can be cute too..if we really look after them ! Go you!

LiisaM profile image

Ha-ha! Cute! (Also valuable--thanks!)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to LiisaM

Hugely valuable..like our knees...!!

Dexy5 profile image

Does wearing high heels count as heel raises?

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMore in reply to Dexy5


I was gonna say no fair if it does... but we live in gender neutral times 👠 👠 nobody will say anything to me 😂

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Dexy5

I would say most certainly...😉

wear them do infrequently that I have to really try to walk properly in them..🤣

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5 in reply to Oldfloss

😂😂 on a more serious note, excellent advice Oldfloss . My first visit to the physio was as a result of weak Soleus muscles when doing parkrun post C25k Graduation. I am pleased to say , he is now very pleased with my calves. He says if you continue with strengthening exercises it can make you a faster runner.

He’s now working on my glutes which I’m sure you’ll be covering as you go up the body.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Dexy5

He is right..I got the same advice from my physio after my calf tear..and...I have increased my pace, albeit unwittingly over the last year..


I will be covering most things..having just done a 20 minute cardio work out ..I realise just where my weak areas are🤣

skysue16 profile image

I guessed!! 😉

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to skysue16

Ha ha....You clever one! Just trying to get a few folk across here to start a little exercise regime, which will keep folk off the IC :)

skysue16 profile image
skysue16 in reply to Oldfloss

Yes, brilliant! Thanks OF for taking time to research and post these suggestions. All very useful.....now just need the motivation to do them!! ;)

Getfitok profile image

Thanks, will give these a try 👍

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Getfitok

Simple and doable...:) Well done you..last week's exercises were for toes and ankles;)

Getfitok profile image
Getfitok in reply to Oldfloss

I’m going to put all of your s&f exercises into my favourites, so they will all be together. Thanks

SueAppleRun profile image

Thank you, this is just what i need to be doing while my blisters heal

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to SueAppleRun

Gently as you go...well done you!

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you 😊

Cantstopmenow profile image

I'm fine with the theory.. I have print outs of the exercises, dumbbells , exercise mats, ancient Jane Fonda video and exercise dvds (all safely stowed in the loft).

Now that I'm running 15 - 20k a week I really need to get my act together and "just do it" !!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Cantstopmenow

Ha ha..try some BodyFit with Amy..YouTube.. I have some great workout routines gleaned from there..it is just a matter of making it a daily routine...x

Cantstopmenow profile image
Cantstopmenow in reply to Oldfloss

Will do. My other problem is that my chocolate labrador thinks it's a great game and likes to join in 🐾😂

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Cantstopmenow

That must be interesting..!!!

Wenderwoo profile image

I’m glad you made us aware of this page, thanks!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Wenderwoo

Lots of great links here and there will he some super stuff to come too. X

Vintage61 profile image

Rascal! This is fab, just so timely for me. No idea where to start with strengthening so will be looking out for your wise guidance for sure. Thank you 😊

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