Any advise for fingertip ulcers? - Scleroderma & Ray...
Any advise for fingertip ulcers?

Do you see a rheumatologist? When I have ulcers I get the Iloprost treatment to dialate my blood vessels and I also get antibiotics. I have found that my ulcers do not heal on their own probably because I have too little blood going to my finger tips to do the healing.
As stated by the previous reviewer, first and foremost you need to see rheumatologist. Last year six out of my ten fingers were ulcerated and they were so bad that they are scarred for life. I let this go on for years without seeing any doctors about my condition until I could not take the pain anymore. I have CREST syndrome and 90mg of extended release nifedipine daily has helped get the blood flowing to my fingertips again and they have improved greatly. I also take 60mg of delayed release dexilant daily for my acid reflux. If you smoke quit as quitting smoking also helps circulation greatly. It has been over a year since my last cigarette and I smoked for twenty six years. I hope this helps (I am forty years old).
Yes, I do see a rheumatologist. He just put me on blood pressure medicine to help my circulation. Hopefully ghat will help for the future. I was hoping to find a good cream to help also.
Hi, I was seeing a rheumatologist, but it didn't improve too much. I worked in a Data Processing Center, and I used my fingers often, I don't know if you beleive me, but one afternoon I was cleaning the refrigerator with a pail full of clorax and cloth detergent with hot water, and the next day I saw a big improvemnet in my fingertips. I continue using it all this time, and for me really works. Good luck
I was given Mupirocin 2% Ointment (Bactroban) but I do not use it much as my fingertips are rough scar tissue now. I will use it if needed for any new ulcers I develop but the nifedipine has done all of my healing for me so far. I just think I waited too long for the cream to be of any use for me but ask your doctor about this as it is a prescription (in the US at least).
You are very welcome
I had a bad case of finger ulceration at Christmas and was due to have iloprost treatment. But I managed to get it to heal before the treatment date.
However over the last few weeks the fingertip has been quite sore and although it did not look ulcerated it was constantly like the pain you get when you hit a wound that has a scab on it. ie covered but not completely healed.
In the last week it does appear to have ulcerated again. Last night it was really painful and throbbing.
What I did last time was keep the area clean and protect to prevent further infection. And keep it warm to encourage blood supply. Last night I slept with my hand in a ski glove and eventually the throbbing lessened. I have a dressing wrapped around it now that I am on the keyboard to prevent further infection.
I will update with progress as to whether I manage to deal with this one without iloprost.
I have had fingertip ulcers and various methods to clear them, under the rheumatologist. However, as other members have stated, it is best to get them attended to sooner rather than later. I had one for two years(!) finally attacking with Iloprost (which definitely was useful) and antibiotics**, which I now have on a repeat prescription** so as to attack any ulcer before it gets a hold.
I also have had calcinosis debrided from my fingertips but would recommend this only in an emergency as it has left scar tissue and loss of sensation. Fluoxetine also prescribed as it has been found to be of help with Raynauds, opening up the capillaries - low dose.
Best wishes for a speedy relief from these horrible and painful ulcers.
overnighthearingloss 0 minutes agoDelete
My fingertip has partially healed. ie there is a sort of skin covering now. But I know the ulcer is still there as the finger still throbs quite often as if there is still infection.
Its really important to stop any further infection. Wear rubber gloves if you need to do washing up or use any cleaning agents.
Take particular care when attending to bathroom functions.
keep the fingers warm at all times as this helps with blood supply to the damaged area.
Plenty of finger baths and then keeping the area covered if there is an open wound.
Try not to knock it as this seems to cause an automatic expletive explosion.