.The skin on my finger tips has appea... - Scleroderma & Ray...
.The skin on my finger tips has appeared to have thinned out and the have been splitting and very painful. Has anyone else had this happen.

Yes, all the time the tips of my fingers are very tender and when the skin splits they usually turn into ulcers ... Not very nice ... try and moisturise all the time, I use Aveeno made by Johnson and Johnson - its not cheap but I find it very good and try and wear gloves which will protect the tips of your fingers ...
Ditto above, plus be wary of getting infections, esp. under the fingernails. I've lost nails on numerous occasions due to this, (very painful), and take a long time to grow back.I wouldn't necessarily recommend expensive creams, just use every single time your hands have been wet and when they feel vaguely dry and rigid. I spend a large amount of the day moisturising my hands. Also other areas after baths/showers,i.e face, feet etc.
Has your consultant suggested Iloprost?
Yes, this happens to me....a lady who has had Raynauds for 20yrs told me yesterday that putting micropore tape over your finger sores helps them to heal x
Yes! Occupational Therapy gave me some silicon dressings that slip over the top to help me type when they are sore as it's bloomin' painful.