i have got two fingers where the skin... - Scleroderma & Ray...
i have got two fingers where the skin has broken an sore to the touch has anyone got any ideas to help this clear up.... :(

Hi, last year I lost all the skin on my feet (top and bottom) and lost all my GP did was was take samples to test for fungal etc (which came back clear) and a tub of parafin wax. All I did was keep the skin clean and moisturised with an emollient.
Whoops meant to say also lost all of my toenails.
My doctor told me to start wearing gloves when washing dishes.. Hands get dried up an I too have the same problem with the peeling of the skin an sore to the touch... Very time you wet hands dry really good then put lotion on.. Get also a pair of night gloves and wear them to keep hands moisten an soft.. My thumb index finger an middle finger get those cut feelings...
Moisturise at least every time you wet your hands and protect your hand against knocks etc.
I always use washing up gloves when doing washing up, cleaning kitchem bathroom etc or when I use anything that has chemicals in.
Twice daiy I use Avene recovery cream on my hands. Avene was recommended by my dermatologist. It can be bought in boots or online. It is quite expensive but a small tube last for ages as only needs small amounts. Once the problem has cleared up keep using.
Good luck
Do not let your hands get water on them. Avoid getting infection into splits and holes, so use antiseptic / antibiotic dressing (eg Activon honey from Boots). Do not let your hands get bruised at all. Sticking plasters to cushion and protect sores - not pretty but practical.
Apart from creaming your hands, are you receiving treaatment for your condition? Do you have Raynaud's or systemic sclerosis? Do you have a friendly GP and a rheumatologist? Berst wishes.
Hello sandycharlie, I am sorry to hear about your fingers. I would follow Zenabb's advice and see your GP or Rhumatologist. Secondly look after your hands using all the adivce you have received from people who have answered your post.
I hope you receive positive help from your GP. I moisturise very frequently during the day and at night moisurise and wear cotton gloves. Mosts Chemists sell cotton gloves. My favourite moisuriser is Palmers unperfumed Cocoa Butter.
Best Wishes
The only thing that keeps my hands n feet moisturised is a herbal cream Calendula. Smells nice n works x x x
thank you for all your replys....i have been the doctors but all he did was give me a print out and said i have raynauds with slight arthritus in my hands, just said follow the print out....i am going back to see him as my hands are getting more painfull but your replys have helped a lot i will be trying the moisturising an gloves with washing up as never knew i would get more dry hands...thanks again everyone...xxx
Request a skin care leaflet from the RSA which has lots of tips on dealing with finger ulcers etc.