How to work with Severe Raynaud's episodes. What jobs are people able to do, I cannot go five minutes without an attack. If I'm not blue/white/ then I'm flamming red. I'm a nurse and now cannot get a job in my profession. All they do is look at me and say I should apply for disability. Which I have and now appealing. Any suggestions????? I have episodes even when I walk due to air flow or even if someone walks by me. Living in a bubble would for sure control the Raynaud's. Even as I'm typing this I cannot feel my right hand tips of my fingers, they are froze and burning.....
How to work with Severe Raynaud's epi... - Scleroderma & Ray...
How to work with Severe Raynaud's episodes with continuous attacks.

I don't know why I was able to get disability 14 years ago without a fight, but they utimatley diagnosed the Scleraderma. And even though it was rare back then even more, I didn't have any trouble, I was immediately accepted. Good luck, it s so hard to work with your hands in such pain!
I was a surgical technologist in the operating room when my Raynaud's symptoms first appeared. At first I just lost circulation during long cases, couldn't feel my fingers and was dropping a lot of instruments. I thought maybe my gloves were too tight and switched to a bigger size. I would try to run my hands under warm water between cases and it was extremely painful. After a while I was having episodes outside the OR in many different temperature situations. I started having other symptoms as well. My fingers and toes ulcerated, and i was bleeding into my gloves in the OR. I cannot tell you how painful it was to try and scrub open sores with an iodine brush....I was forced to go out on disability. I went to a vascular doctor who ran some tests then referred me to a reumatologist. I was diagnosed with systemic scleroderma and given meds to try and get the Raynauds under control. Unfortunately my condition has progressed to a point where I had to give up my career in the operating room. I cannot go out at all in the winter because my hands and feet, and have difficulty with nutrition, fatigue and joint pain. You are not alone. Find yourself a good rheumatologist who knows how to document and fill out the proper paperwork for disability/Social security. Most people get rejected for Social Security on their first try but DON'T give up....this is classified disease under the social security clause. There re alot of support groups out there and maybe you can get some help with your appeal. I use the hand and feet warmers all day to try and keep from ulcerating. Hang in are not alone!!! I know how tough it is to not be able to work in the job/career you trained for! Good Luck
I was also refused disability allowance on first applying. I then went to Citizens Advice Bureau. They were fantastic and helped me with the application form. Sent it in and it was accepted.Don't give up!.
My fingers are crippled and as I type it is a very proud thing that I have overcome that I was beginning to pick up a lot of speed proficiency prior to Raynuad's but I purchased Dragon Naturally Speaking and now that I am on break away from college I learn and enhance its usage. As for measures to remedy my health my RA has given me Imuran for my lung preventative medication. My have systematic Scleroderma and Raynuad's syndrome but it does not have me and keep smiling and change your diet from sweets and begin a regimen of raw foods nuts, broccoli, califlower, carrots and someone recently renewed my memory of unsweetened cherry juice. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. My prayers are with you for your Disability to be approved because it will be. Blessings to all and I hope that something or anything helps that I have shared and pass it on.