or other ENT problems such as dry/ sore mouth
Does anyone else with raynauds, suffe... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Does anyone else with raynauds, suffer with nosebleeds
Not nosebleeds, but a dry/sore mouth, but I have Scleroderma and Sjogrens. The sore mouth was made worse by thrush, not visible and unknown to me (I was tested for it at the Dental Hospital). I now have a monthly bottle of Nystatin Oral Susp to keep it in check, which seems to work, although it generally starts to get sore again just befote the next bottle is due.
I have the dry mouth and nose. I think the dryness is the cause of my nose bleeds. I also have Sjogten's Syndrome.
I dont have nosebleeds but my nose, mouth and eyes are always very dry and my ears are always itchy - I get a lots of sores in my nose xxx I have Scleroderma, Raynauds, Sjogrens, Underactive Thyroid, Lichen Sclerosus ad Lichen Planus, Chronic Fatique and suffer from migraines. When I get a cold I am always blocked but can never blow my nose as it is always so dry there does not seem to be any moisture there at all x
Yes, can get unexplained nosebleeds, sometimes when getting up in the morning, sometimes at random times of the day. Whether it's to do with blood pressure fluctuation or related to the migraines I get, I'm not sure...
I don't get nosebleeds as such, but my nostrils are almost always bloody. I don't have an obviously blocked nose and blowing it does not produce anything except specks of blood in clear mucus.