Hi there,
Finally I am getting somewhere with my suspicions of Sjorgens disease. (I have numerous additional sypmtoms) Anyway after 2 years of burning, scratching painful eyes, I actually saw a specialist today. I had the Schmirer test done and my eyes were at the severe stage for dryness 2.5mm on my right eyes and 0 on my left eye, the nurses were rather surprised at how dry they are. Then I saw the Doctor who looked in some length into my eyes and gave me a prescription for Celluvisc to use every half an hour during the day and told me to get rid of my viscoe gel tears. (I still use my lacri-lube at night though) He then gave me a slip of paper to take to the front desk and said he's putting in duct plugs. I've just read about them and I'll be happy to have some additonal help as it's been driving me up the wall (literally) with pain. I'm just wondering 'does this hurt'? And if there was any eye damage do you think he would have told me then or will this be in an additional visit? :).
Thank you for listening