Is anyone else bothered with Paronych... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Is anyone else bothered with Paronychia or is this totally unrelated?

I am often quite sore around my cuticles - they are very red and you can clearly see the blood vessel damage. Whilst I don't think I have paronychia I can see how it would develop from Raynauds or certainly be aggravated by it.
Hi, I have limitied scleroderma and have this redness and sometimes soreness around the cuticles. Added to this the cuticle grows over the nail and needs attention quite often. I has advised to use hirodoid ointment to hepl and when they are really bad, it does seem to help. Otherwise I spend most of my time wearing plasters on the affected fingers mainly for protection and this really helps.
Hello, I had to look up paronychia, I didn't realise that infections of the cuticles had a name. I have problems with my cuticles, particularly on the index fingers where the cuticle splits and becomes very sore, I am positve it is related to Raynauds. I also have the same problem as Noni, with the cuticle growing over the nail. I am very reluctant to let a manicurist mess with my nails, but don't know what to do about this!
Hi, re the cuticles - for ages I didn't let anyone near the cuticles and still won't let a manicurist loose on them. But recently I noticed after soaking my nails ( after a long bath!!) that the cuticle was really soft and I could, very gently push it back and then use the clippers with the flat edge to very gently clip at the bit that stood proud of the nail. So far it has helped - but I only do it if there is no soreness etc. YOu just have to be confident that you have a steady hand!
You are all quite right not to go to a manicurist. The less you mess about with your cuticles the better. But I would ask again: what did your specialist say? Have you had Ilopost? I have it often when I am bad with my extremities and it helps a lot. I use a strong nail varnish on my nails for two reasons: 1. it stops me fiddling with my fingers, 2. It keeps my nails and cuticles in order. I would say that in anyone with Raynaud's and scleroderma infection is a sign for antibiotics for a prolongued period and Iloprost. And don't delay. When I had it I was admitted to hospital and given intravenous antibiotics. That's my opinion anyway and my experience. Good luck.