Has anyone been on IB and has now undergone a medical with ATOS for ESA?
They reckon I will be fit for work in 2 years time - what a joke.....
I will be 58 then and probably worse than what I am now, just what are these people on!!!!!!!
Has anyone been on IB and has now undergone a medical with ATOS for ESA?
They reckon I will be fit for work in 2 years time - what a joke.....
I will be 58 then and probably worse than what I am now, just what are these people on!!!!!!!
Hasn't happen to me, yet. Can you appeal it? Obviously, they've got a crystal ball. What are they like? Should be able to appeal it! They're a pack of manky twats.
Sorry, not much use to you.
What condition do you have, if that's not too nosy.
All the best. Maggs
I am just starting on the ATOS process and am awaiting the medical and interview for DWP. I am going to take as much paperwork etc, with me and have given them as much information about me already. I just hope that they do not use this against me rather then for me.
Without being too nosey, what condition/s do you have and how soon after your interview did you get the results ?
I am due to apply for this next month,I had heard it was difficult. However if you've been offered it surely you can then be reassessed in 2 years and they'll see how you have or have not changed? x
I have had mine taken away from me. I appealed, went to tribunals etc and got nowhere. What a waste of time.
Fit for work? I sometimes feel fit for the scrap heap!
Was the person a medical practionier or doctor? I asked this question when I was interviewd last sunday of all day's,( you can request a doctor)but I was assured by a medical practioner that she was fully quailfied in all aspects of Lupus Sclerderma Raynar'd etc, but when asking questions which i answered she said again and again you only have one diagnosis, the week before the interview i'd seen my consultant and was told i had undifferentiated connective tissue dissorder to which all these apply, i replied you have no knowledge of the illness otherwise you would know how it afffects the body or the person, i'm still waiting to find out what the outcome may be, but i have a feeling i will be classed as fit to work just by her attitude to the questions,bearing inmind that i was full of infection that i'm having trouble getting rid of and it affects my ears hearing & balance she took what i said & twisted my answers i was glad i had someone with me who could hear clearly what was being said otherwise i believe my words of what i said would have been missinterpprated to suit her findings. i will await the finding but know the outcome already. FIT TO WORK what a joke this process is.
forgot to say you have to wait two to six weeks for the result of interview from the DWP
I am diagnosed with Raynauds and Scleradema and was on IB and was sent the Limited Capability to Work Form, which I completed with the help of my husband who is a volunteer with Citizen Advice Bureau - Scotland. The form was completed and forwarded to DWP. I was changed onto ESA with the Support Allowance, without a medical referral, therefore the DWP on the receipt of the completed form accept I am unable to return to work. I would suggest that any other members who are on IB and recieve the form visit their local CAB for assistance in completing the Form. Also CAB can assist with ESA appeals, their success rate in Ayrshire is in the range of 80% of all appeals.
Thanks Elaine, I am def going to appeal - I have replied fully below and as you can see it is very contradictory x
I was IB & switched over to ESA last October and was put into the work activity group but was told I did not have to go back to work at my first interview! However to keep my money (all of 33p per week) I would have to attend an hour long session on how they could help me back into work & then every month would have to attend a meeting with my support adviser every month. The ESA would however be stopped after 12 months. I pointed out that I had got Ill Health Retirement for years ago & had been given the higher tier due to me suffering from Systemic sclerosis & severe Raynauds along with some other issues. My pension provider does state I am not fit to do any kind of work so it all seemed very silly to me & since the 33p a week would not cover my parking or petrol costs I with drew from attending these meeting I My ESA was stopped. I have to say I feel so much better though not to suffer all the stress from the constant letters etc from the DWP & can get on with my retirement.
I agree it is very stressful. That is why I can't be bothered to do any more about it. Which is exactly what they want. Yes, he was a doctor. However, because he was in a wheelchair, I had the feeling he way saying "Look at me - I manage to work and I can't walk." I kept pointing out that I don't know how I am going to feel from one day to the next, but to no avail.
Hello all, I have just got the report from the ATOS Medical Practitioner and under the heading PROGNOSIS she has put (sub headings) Exceptional Change: Functional Problems - She advises that a return to work is unlikely for at least 2 years - then Reasons for the Opinion Given: She advises that the medical evidence, history and examination indicates that the client (me) is unlikely to return to work in the longer term ::::
For those who have asked I have: Systemic Scleroderma, Raynauds, Chronic Fatique, Lichen Sclerosus, Lichen Planus, Sjogrens Syndrome, moderate to severe hearing loss which they think is auto immune, Osteomyelities of right index finger, regular migraines, Parotid blockage due to fibrosis of stensons duct. Carpel Tunnel Syndrome and at the moment tennis elbow which may result in an operation. I also have ulcerated fingers and pains in my muscles and joints.
I am going to appeal and what the doctor says and they say is very contradictory.
OMG.... If you didn't qualify for life but only 2 yrs as well then that must be the standard max review length then. . . I was examined and interviewed 13yrs ago (had raynauds and scleroderma etc for 20yrs) and qualified for life on DLA. Not had an ESA form yet but can they really now stop my benefits? i worked for my local council authority who finally forced me into medical retirement after initially giving me a reprise due to my pleas but my second plea failed as they had no alternative job in any dept that they felt i could do!! My condition/symptoms have altered/worsened in several ways since but especially my hand functions. With 7 fingers fixed bent and one fixed straight I'm only just able to open and close them about an inch an each direction. Along with ulcers to deal with too and very stiff limited wrist movement I find it difficult and painful enough just to function at home with personal care and house care as I live alone. Yes, some people use their feet and toes instead, but I'm at the podiatrist every week for them too, so...... Go ahead send the form, then FIND ME A JOB that I can do, and keep, AND I'LL DO IT !!!!!
Hi Jan1, This is a reassement for ESA - I am at the moment on Incapacity Benifit but they are having a shake up and everyone is being reassessed ... As for DLA I do have this indefinately at the moment but they are going to be doing the same for that too and everyone is going to be reassessed. I too worked for local government and was given Ill Health Retirement as I could not perform my job any longer or any other job.
My condition has got worse since I had Ill health retirement 6 1/2 years ago.
I went to my GP who was very supported but because I was so stressed he increased the flouxitine which is not good.
Anyway, I am going to appeal with this decision as I know I am not capable of working. xx
Oh, I also have the reflux, bowel problems, Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension etc etc
keep appealling get your doc and any other people ie work, hosp, for written proof of your probs and send them in as back up.
I applied for esa and pip I've been awarded it for 2yrs as well then need to be reassessed, the Dr I had my assessment with told me this would be the case they hardly ever give longer awards.I had breast cancer that triggered diffuse scleroderma I also had a severe reaction to the chemotherapy. And almost died, every time I have a hospital appointment I ask for a transcription of appointment to be sent to me this I will use when I re apply in 2yrs time it is very stressful