said he is too young to have raynauds. Just wondering what age were you all diagnosed ?
I was diagnosed with Raynauds when i ... - Scleroderma & Ray...
I was diagnosed with Raynauds when i was 20, my son who is 15 months always has cold hands and feet - he has from birth, doc have always

I was in my teens. However babies cannot regulate their temperatures terribly well - i used to work in a postnatal ward, and babies often had seizures as a result of getting too warm - this is just an example. Whereas we walk around etc they are sat in pushchairs etc and cannot moderate their temperature. I remember that my daughter often had cold hands and feet when she was a baby, i have scleroderma and she shows no sign of this and she is now 21( i even got the GP surgery to do blood tests to be on the safe side, nothing wrong!) Just keep an eye on it!

Thanks, i knew babies can fit if too warm midwife did say week after my son was born that cold hands and feet were to do with Liver but never did anything, but then again he was born end of January :-))). I think its just a thing people do when they suffer from Raynauds worry others can get it as my Mum and Grandad (Mums Dad) also have/had Raynuads
Ditto all of the above! Except mine is a son of 22.
my daughter was 3 months old when she was diagnosed with raunauds. at 10months she saw a different paed who said that she has severe acrocyanosis. which on her looks the same as raynauds but if she had raynauds she would be screaming in pain and it would be difficult to comfort her.
Thanks What is Acrocyanosis ? When seeing my doctor about my Raynauds I asked if it was possible for my son to have Raynauds she said if his hands/feet were not hurting him then it wasn't Raynauds. Must admit they don't seem to bother him, but when he was 6 wks old he was sent to hospital when he had his 6 wk check, as he had mottled skin (which i did when was babs) and asked doc there said they had a babs just under 1 yold that morning who had been diagnosed wv Raynauds, so i've had different opinons from all professionals which you will always get.
its discolouration to hands, feet and face mainly when exposed to cold but without pain unlike raynauds. Its common in newborn babies but they are supposed to grow out of it quickly. raynauds is very rare in babies. on the first visit to the hospital i was just told she had raynauds and offered no information about it so, asked my GP if she could get a second oppinion.
My daughter was diagonsed at 8
My baby was 10 months old when she was finally diagnosed.she had it from birth but no one would take any notice of me and kept sending us home.good luck and keep on,mothers intuition is best