i told my rhummy a few months ago that i didnt like taking nifidiphine due to side effects... then when i went to my gp i told him that i need some new med's and explaned to im that i couldn t take nifidiphine.. and he laughed at me told me that if it was that bad i would take them also to put another layer of clothes on... i told him that i wouldnt take them as the also interfer with my bipolar meds.. he said that he cant give me anything else.. and also said he does not have the time to look up what is wrong with me .. so i said i ll bring in some nfo off this web site .. he then laughed and said that he hasn t got time for this and i shouldn t be listerning to silly web sites like this.. i explained that this is not a silly web site and that my rhummy told me to go on here to get help n tips .. so now i have to book with another docotor again and see if they can help me as i ve really struggling and its not far on my kids or partner.. i also told him about the pain i got in my chest ad down my left arm which lasted for 5 hours .. hes reply was oh well it went after a bit so your fine... !!! that was aload of help really ... so came out again feeling like shit and that its all i my head... i cried all the way home ... doctors like that my me feel soooo angery ....
so now i ve got no mes no help no nothing ... nice one ...