Has any one else suffered from recurr... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Has any one else suffered from recurring ingrown toe nails? or is just me

No but I do get a lot of discomfort in my feet and hardening of my nails, which is distressing for me as I love going for long walks, especially in the summer when I can I enjoy the sunshine. I asked my doctor about this and was told I needed to see I chiropodist, which I have now done a couple of times (apparently she couldn't refer me on the NHS so I had to go private). I went yesterday if fact and it was the most relaxing half hour I've had all year, I had to pay £25 but it was well worth the money!
I used to get them a lot and I have had them operated on 2 or 3 times. However that was way before I was diagnosed with CREST and I think it was certainly before I had any noticeable problems so I don't think I would associate that problem with CREST.
Yes, I agree with rach
I've tended to get ingrown nails on both my big toes for ever, worse in the past 15 years (am 57) and only monthly pedicures have helped me avoid this happening over and over - I used to go to a chiropodist, but then I found a lovely young woman at a salon who is really seriously interested in actually caring for feet (not huts making them pretty). She charges less than a chiropodist and is intelligent and skilled enough to understand how to help me control this tendency.
I have spine trouble, so it's hard for me to get down to give myself treatments.
Anyway, I've never had to be operated....so far!
Good luck
I get them but I do not think it is caused by my condition, other than I am unable to bend over for long to cut my toenails and usually make a complete hash of it! I used to go to a podiatrist when I worked but now I just do as Barnclown and go to a good mancurist. One thing I found that helped with my ingrown toenails is to put tea tree oil on the affected toe and that usually cleared it up, it works well on infections I get in my fingernails as well.
thank u uknlv i'll give the tea tree a go.
Yes I also suffer with ingrown toe nails mainly on my big toes. I am told by my hospital podiatrist that this is a common problem with Scleroderma, along with an excessive build up of dead skin. The podiatrist "gouges" out the dead skin and cuts the nails away at the edge and all is fine for 6 weeks.
Ingrown toenails should be treated as soon as it is recognized. In many cases, people with uninfected ingrown toenails can obtain relief with the following simple regimen:
Soak the feet in warm salt water
Dry them thoroughly with a clean towel
Apply a mild antiseptic solution to the area
Thank u I'll give it a try as have ingrown toe nail on other foot